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Bryce's POV
The tour is coming to an end. It's been awkward ever since our friends found out about us. But it doesn't matter. As long as I have Mikey nothing matters. We're on the bus to our last stop on the tour, and me and Mikey are in his bed. God he's so cute when he sleeps. Cuter than a puppy. Mikey just woke up. "We're here. Ready to go to the hotel?" I whispered. "Of course!" So with that, we went into the hotel. There were SOOO many fans in the lobby. I had to take a lot of pictures. The worst part was none of the fans new about me and Mikey. I had the perfect plan to tell them. I'll do it tonight.

I'm walking Mikey and all our friends to the lobby. We're doing a younow broadcast. He agreed to tell all the fans. We walk up to the top  of the small staircase in the center of the lobby holding hands. A bunch of people gather around yelling our names. "Hey! Can I have everyone's attention please?" And with that, it went dead silent. I glance over at Mikey, who is looking right at me. I can see tears building up in his eyes. I whisper to him, "Don't cry. It's ok. I love you." All the fans were asking what I said. "Ok listen up," and it went silent again. "There is a secret between me and Mikey. Well here goes, I LOVE MICHAEL BARONE."

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