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Bryce's POV
I really fucked up this time. I look at the picture one more time to make sure it was real. It's a picture of me kissing Jackson Krecioch. I have to delete this before Mikey sees. I delete the picture, but then I go through other people's social medias, and they have pictures and videos of us making out. I have to go apologize to Mikey. I drive over to his house, and knock on the door. No answer. I text him. No answer. I call him. No answer. Then I call Bradlee. "Hey." Bradlee answers. "I know I'm an ass, but Mikey isn't answering." "I couldn't imagine why." "No Bradlee I'm serious. I think something is wrong. He's not home." "Yeah I know! He's in the hospital you asshole!" I drop my phone. What happened? I drive straight to the hospital and ask for his name at the desk. Room 477. I run straight there, and open the door. He looks pitiful. He has fresh cuts all over himself. On his arms, legs, and all over his stomach. Oh god what have I done. I quietly sob in the chair next to his bed. "Mikey I'm sorry." I whisper. I know he can't hear me. "I was drunk and mad. I kissed Jackson and I'm sorry. That's probably why you're here. I'll never be able to forgive myself. I love you." He begins to wake up. "Oh god Mikey!" I say sobbing. "Fuck off Bryce." Is the first thing he says. He's never gonna forgive me. "Mikey.." I say. "I said fuck off Bryce. I don't want you here, you manwhore." I collapse to the floor. I leave the room and go to my car. I can't believe it. He doesn't love me anymore. I have nowhere to go. I can't go home, my parents hate me.
I can't go to Mikey's, he hates me. I can't go to bradlee's, he's mad too. I have nowhere. I check into a hotel room. I just lay there, doing nothing but sobbing for hours. I ruined my chances with Mikey.

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