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Mikey's POV
I go with Bryce to his house. We're just sitting on his couch watching tv. He attempts to kiss me, but I jerk my head away. "Look, Bryce. I love you, but I can't just forgive you that quick. That's not how it works. Give me time and I'm sure I'll come around." I tell him. "I would wait forever on you." He said.

*that night*

I decide to go to bed. I don't sleep with Bryce tho, I just sleep in the guest room. I just don't know if I can trust him anymore. I'm just sick of this bullshit. I decide to walk to the bathroom, for obvious reasons. Here we go again..... with the same old shit I always do. I don't know, I mean, I can do it. It's just I never seem to dig deep enough. I walk right to the bathroom, and dig out my blade I hid in the guest bathroom long ago. It still had dry blood stains from the last time I cut here. I start to cut.
6 for being a faggot.
4 for being cheated on.
8 for being ugly.
6 for being hated by everyone.
I start feeling light headed. I decide to make a few more cuts. I dig deeper than I ever have before. I feel hot tears streaming down my face, and I was sobbing loudly. I fall over, never wanting to get up again. I just want to bleed out. I want to die. But me being the idiot I was, I didn't lock the door. Fuck. Bryce comes barging in, and I can see tears rolling down his cheeks. I think I did it this time. I think I'm going to die.

I'm so sorry if you go through this and you're reading it now. If you feel uncomfortable reading it then please just don't read these parts. Also please comment things for me to write about. I'm really in a slump. Please help guys. Well anyways, love ya!

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