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Bryce's POV
I'm sobbing. The whole way home I sobbed. I was choking from my tears. Mikey drove. Holding my hand the whole way. My parents didn't accept me. They threw me out in the street. If I didn't have Mikey, I wouldn't have a home. I can't thank him enough.

That afternoon

I haven't left Mikey's parents couch. Yes, they know about us, and yes, it's kind of awkward, but we don't have a choice. This is the only place I have. "Bryce" I hear Mikey say, in a quiet, soft voice. "Yes?" I whisper, still crying. "Don't cry over them. Those bastards couldn't accept you. And if they can't do that, they're not worth crying for." I did my best to stop crying. He wraps his arms around my waist and I put my arms on his shoulders. " I love you, baby boy." I whispered, noticing his parents standing in the kitchen, watching. I give them a little smile. We sit there for hours. We slept just like that, in that exact position. He was adorable.

The next morning

Me being me, of course I woke up before Mikey. He was still cuddled up, his head on my chest."Mikey" I whispered. "Yea" he said with his morning voice. "Let's do something today. Let's get out of the house." "Okay he said getting up. "Imma take a shower." He said while messing with his hair. I hear the water turn on. I instantly ran upstairs. "Can I join you?" He peeped his head out of the curtain. "Duh" he said with a smirk. So I got In.

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