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Mikey's POV
Why am I still here? No matter how bad I don't want to be, I'm still here. They won't let me give up. Now I've got even less to keep me here. Without Bryce, I'm nothing. I no longer have a reason to live. I'm being released from the hospital today. They say of this happens one more time, I will have to go to therapy. As I'm walking out, I see Bryce waiting for me. I can't believe has the nerve to show up here after what he did. "Bryce, get the fuck away from me. We're done. You ruined us. You have to leave me alone." I say as I start to walk away. "Wait." He says, grabbing my arm. "You may hate me, and I get that. But hear me out. I was drunk out of my mind. I was upset. I honestly don't even remember kissing Jackson. Please don't be mad at me forever." He said,his voice sounding shakier than ever. By now there were tears rolling down both of our cheeks. I started walking away. I didn't get too far, before I heard him whimper, "Baby boy, no...." After that I couldn't take it anymore. I turned around, and starting running over to him. I jump right into his arms, with my legs around his waist. "I love you, Bryce." I manage to say through all of the tears. "I love you too, baby boy." He replies, hugging me tighter then he ever has before.

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