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Bryce's POV
Cuts. All along his arms I see cuts. I start to cry. "Mikey, what the hell is this?!?" I say kind of loudly. "What?"I hear him reply. I put his arm between our faces to where the side with cuts was facing his. "It's-" he bursts into tears. "Bryce I'm sorry.." I'm furious. I get up and walk out, tears still rolling down my cheeks. I know Mikey is upset, but he should have talked to me. All the other people in the bus see me crying. I just walk right into the bathroom. I slide down the wall to where I'm sitting on the floor. I love Mikey. And if I lost him, I don't know what I would do. I would just kill myself too. I can hear Mikey sobbing. I can hear everyone going into that room. It's eventually drowned out by thoughts. Terrible thoughts. I leave the bathroom so those thoughts don't get the best of me. I walk in to the bedroom. I can see Mikey hiding his cuts. He looks up at me. So does everyone else. "What the hell did you do to him?!?" I hear Ariel shout. "He didn't do anything." Mikey whispered. He flipped over his arms. It goes dead silent. "Mikey..." Ariel says as she crouches down to hug him. I couldn't take the stress. I fall to my knees. Sobbing. I couldn't even see through all the tears. Bradlee walks over and hugs me. He whispers in my ear, "I know it's a lot to handle, but he's ok. For now."

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