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Mikey's POV
Well I thought I was going to die, but I wasn't. I look up at Bryce who is just shaking his head. The next thing I know, he grabs the razor off of the floor and runs to the other bathroom. I run after him, with tears falling from my eyes. I go up to the door, and he locked it. I can hear him sobbing. "Bryce stop it!" I yell while shaking the handle. I hear him stop sobbing. "Bryce! Listen to me you have to let me in!" I scream, my cuts putting blood all over the door. "NO! I won't stop! This is how you make people feel Mikey! This is how I feel every time YOU cut!" I fall to the ground and just cry. Finally he opens the door with his arms wrapped in bandages. When he opens the door, he sees me on the floor and kicks my side. Then he steps over me and goes to his bedroom, locking the door. I can't feel my side. I think he broke a rib.  I run out of his house, but only making it halfway through the yard before I collapse from the pain. I just lie there suffering. Who knew Bryce would ever do this to me.

Bryce's POV
I wake up and realize Mikey left. I walk downstairs, and see the front door wide open. I walk out side to see Mikey laying on the ground, unconscious. "Oh my god Mikey!" I yell. I see my neighbors walk outside because of the noise. I'm just holding him in my arms, sobbing. My neighbor Alice runs over. "Oh my god what happened?" She slightly yells. "I don't know! Call an ambulance!" I scream between sobs. When the ambulance arrives, they check him. "He barely has a pulse. Get out the stretcher." They put him in the ambulance. "Wait! You have to let me come!" I yell. She allows me to come.

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