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Mikey's POV
"I LOVE MICHAEL BARONE." I hear those words and I can't hold it back. The tears come. It's like a waterfall on my red cheeks. Bryce is squeezing my hand really hard. He knows how hard this is for me. The crowd in the lobby is going wild. There's cheers, screams, and awws. Some of the fans are even crying a little bit out of happiness. Then I see it. The homophobes. There are a few people booing us. Calling us fags. It makes me cry even harder. I'm so embarrassed. Everyone is filming us. I finally worked up the courage. "AND I LOVE BRYCE HALL." The crowd in the lobby went crazy. I just couldn't anymore. The brim of my shirt was soaked with tears. I fell to my knees. Bryce instantly went to his knees and hugged me. Who knew coming out was so hard. We were on our way back to the hotel room. We could barely even get there. The crowds were to big. People shoved themselves in the elevator with us. I just hugged Bryce and sobbed. It was so uncomfortable. I felt so bad. OH SHIT. What if our parents saw that younow?!? I'm doomed. Just as I start to talk to Bryce, the whole elevator goes silent. So I whisper to Bryce, "What if any of our parents say that younow?" I knew everyone in that elevator heard me. "Shit." Bryce whispered. The elevator opened and everyone let us out first. I looked back at those fans. I love them. They supported me. Now the waterworks start up again. "Baby boy, it's ok now. No need to cry. I'm here. That's all that matters." He pecks my lips as Bradlee opened the door. I laid in bed all day. I felt like crap. I couldn't sleep.

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