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Mikey's POV
He saw them. They all saw them. Bryce probably hates me. I hate me too. Ariel finally let go of me. She was crying. So were most of the people on that bus. I couldn't look at Bryce. I just love him so much, and now I've let him down. I just want it all to be over. I stand up. Everyone looks confused. I run into the bathroom and lock the door. Everyone is banging on the door. Yelling. It's all drowned out by my own sobbing I can hear Bryce yelling. "Mikey! I love you, please don't do this!" "I love you too Bryce." I quietly say just to where he can hear me. The bus stops. I guess the driver figured out what was going on. The next thing I see is Bryce break the handle with the fire extinguisher. Just as he comes in I slash the blade through my whole arm as deep as I could get it. Bryce screams. I start getting light headed. Bryce is on the floor holding me. I black out.

3 days later

I woke up in the hospital. Bryce sees my awake and runs over and instantly hugs me. He softly puts our lips together. He must be so disappointed in me. "Bryce, I'm sorry." "Shut up. No need to be sorry." He kisses me again. I see everyone from the bus in the room. They each take their turn hugging me. I start crying. I feel the hot tears run down my red, puffy cheeks. I hate myself for this. I should have never told Bryce how I felt in the first place. None of this would ever have happened.

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