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Hey guys. It's me the author, who shall remain nameless for personal reasons. I just wanna say thank you to those who read my stories. Please comment of you read so I can follow you. Please vote, read, and follow! Thanks for the support!

Bryce's POV
Mikey gets out of the hospital today. I haven't left his side since he got here. Bradlee is here to take us home. We're on our way home, and it's dead silent. Mikey won't talk to me. Whenever get to Bradlee's house, Mikey just sits on the couch, with a blank face. He's broken. I come sit next to him and kiss his forehead. He is literally staring blankly at the wall. I really don't wanna take him to therapy......but it may be my only choice. I can tell he really needs it. "Mikey.." I said. "Are you gonna talk to me, baby boy?" He remained silent. "I don't wanna say this, you may need to go to therapy." With that, he broke his daze, and looked me in the eyes. "No." He said, with his voice sounding shaky. Tears rolled down his face. He hugged me. He was shaking. Bradlee walked in. "Everything ok? I thought I heard somebody shout." I guess Mikey was louder than I thought. "Yeah." I replied. Bradlee just came and sat down in the chair next to us. Mikey had dried up the tears. "I don't feel the same anymore, Bryce. I'm scared. I'm scared of what could happen next...." I don't know how to reply. We sit silently for a good ten minutes. I love you, baby boy." No response. I'm scared that I'm losing him.

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