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Okay so I know it's been like 49382930402838 days since I updated, so this chapter will be long. It also may be the end, depending on how I feel.
Mikey's POV
It's been days since I kicked Bryce out, days since I've gone outside, talked to friends. Hell it could have been weeks I don't know. Every single day, I've looked at his contact, ready to text him, but my finger hovers above the send button, I just can't do it. I don't need him in my life. I can find someone who treats me much better. I finally work up the courage to take a shower, get ready, and go see one of my closest friends, Derek. I text him saying to meet me at In-N-Out so we could see each other. So once I'm ready I head out the door. Once I get to the restaurant, I walk in and see Derek already at a table. "Hey man, how ya feeling?" He asks. "Good as I can be, I guess." We eat, and he decides to drive us to the park. "Dude, something is seriously wrong, I know it. You don't have to tell me right now, but I wanna know eventually." I just sit there with my head low, trying not to cry. "You're right. Something is wrong, Derek. Ever since Bryce has been gone o feel empty, useless. He was my one reason for living, and now that he's gone I feel like I made a huge mistake." I spit out. "You didn't make a mistake.  Bryce was abusive, you don't need that in your life." A tear rolls down my cheek as Derek continues taking. "You deserve so much better than that piece of human trash, you need to move on, be happy. Find yourself someone who treats you well." "Thanks Derek." I say drying the tears. Derek drives us back to the restaurant so I can get my car and drive home. When I get home, I have this new sense of confidence, I never knew I had before. I picked up my phone, and texted Bryce.

Mikey: It's final Bryce. Stay away from me. We're done. You're abusive and cruel and I don't need that shit in my life I hope you're happy, this is completely your fault. Don't call me anymore. Bye.
I take a minute to see what I just did. I feel good about this, I'm making the right choice. I hear my phone ding, and it's from Bryce.

Bryce: I'm so sorry to inform you, but Mr. Hall is no longer with us. He was found dead in his home on Tuesday, he had committed suicide. I'm very sorry this is how you had to hear it, but just know he's in a better place.

I can barely breathe. My vision is blurred. This can't really be happening. "NO!" I scream at the top of my lungs, completely sobbing. This is my fault. All my fault. I run straight to my bath room and fill up my tub. I've wanted to do this for the longest time. I strip to my underwear and get in. I reach for the box of razors beside me, fumbling one around in my hands, slicing the tips of my fingers. I'm really gonna do it this time. I stick it in my arm, vertically. As deep as I can. Pain overwhelms me, causing me to scream in pain. The screaming only gets louder as I slice further down my arm.  Blood seeps into the water, dying it a deep red. I switch hands and put the blade in my right hand. I do this one quicker so there will be less pain. I sit there suffering for minutes. It feels like days. It's not working. There's so much blood, but I'm not dying. I stand up our of the tub, and go look in the mirror. Tears are steaming down my cheeks. I grab a new blade and hold it up to my throat. Then I slice.

*two days later*

Derek's POV
I drive up to Mikey's house to check up on him. I se his phone laying on the couch. I know I would like a creeper, but I pick it up and unlock it. He told me his passcode a while back. It was already open to messages. Bryce's name is up top. God Mikey why would you text him again. I read the most recent texts. Shit. SHIT. "Oh my god!" I scream and drop the phone. Bryce killed him self. I don't hear Mikey so I walk upstairs. I walk into his bedroom, and he's not there. "Mikey?" I yell. No response. As I'm walking, I hear a squish under my foot. The carpet is wet, and it's coming from the bathroom. I try to open the door, but it's locked. Oh god no. Not again. "Mikey!" I yell again, but this time louder. "Open the damn door Mikey!" Finally the doorknob breaks, casing the door to open. I swing to door open, only to reveal the worst sight of my life. "Oh god Mikey, no." I whisper. It's no use trying cpr. He's long gone by now. He has long gashes all down his arms. I guess that wasn't quick enough, because there's also a huge gash across his throat. I can't even think. I just hold him in my arms, sobbing. 

The end. Ya I know, dark, depressing ending. Tell me what you think.

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