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Bryce's POV
Mikey is taking this so hard. It's hard to keep his eyes dry. Today we're going out to a little ice cream place. I think it's perfect for right now. I've had my hand on his thigh the whole drive. I just couldn't live with myself if I lost him. "We're here." I say With a half grin. I lean over and kiss his forehead before getting out. When we get in the ice cream parlor, it's completely empty. No fans. No drama. No tears. Or at least that's what I though. And yet again, a tear rolled down Mikey's cheek. "What's wrong, baby boy?" He is silent. "We don't have to cry anymore. There's nothing to worry about." I say hugging him. "It's all just so stressful..." I hear from Mikey. He sounded pitiful. He was almost choking in his own tears.  "Just let it out, baby boy." "I love it when you call me that. " he whispered. "Baby boy." I say with a smirk.

That afternoon

We're all in the bus on our way home. Tour is finally over. We can just go back home, and live normally again. Mikey still hasn't even been able to go two hours with out crying. His record was and hour and a half. I just feel bad for him. As we're sitting in the room with the bunk beds, I begin to kiss him, feeling the hot tears from his cheeks on mine. "I love you..." I whisper. "I love you too." And I place my lips back on his. As things progress, we're both shirtless. I lick his bottom lip, asking him to grant me entrance. He allows it. My tongue lets loose and explores every inch of his mouth. We pull away for a few seconds to catch a breath. I slightly glance down. I looks at his arms, and what I see is terrible.

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