Part 1

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Here comes 1st part of My Heart Is Fully Filled By U....
Guys if there s any grammatical r spelling mistake forgive me....
Lets start d story....

@small house

Kolkatta city the sky full of moon and stars which is shining as the hall of a small house shekar arora s sitting in d sofa watching his wife sharmistha arora who is walking to and fro in d veranda of their house waiting for her daughter swara arora who dint return from her work....

For four years marriage life of shekar and sharmishta they dint have any child after many prayers they got a blessing of a daughter swara arora...

Shekar arora is a teacher so he wants swara too become a after finishing her twelth she choosed english literacy and finished her B.ed. Then she wrote exams and excelled in first class....from childhood she has a desire to teach d students of village where dey dont have any basic facilities....due to her father she worked in a school in kolkatta she kept her desire in her heart and went to work daily....though she dint like d place she did her work very well....

One year passed....tomorrow at 10am there is a counciling for teachers all over kolkatta who want to change their work to some other place....for that first we have to get sign from d principle of currently working school in d consent as d princi dint come to school she decided to get sign from him at his house...

@princi house

princi:swara y r u leaving ur home town?
swara:sir i wish to work in a village of hillstation.
princi:whether ur father will give permission to u?
swara:no sir by opposing him only i have to go.
princi:i will miss a hardworking and talented staff like u swara..pls reconsider ur decision.
swara:no sir...this is my wish please sign dis form sir.I want d students of d village to get good education sir.this is my childhood dream sir pls sign dis form sir.

As swara pleaded to princi he dint find any choice so he signed d form and she went to her house

@swara house

Her mother was anxiously waiting for her...when she entered d house she started to question to her where she went?
shomi:swara y u came lata?i called all ur frnds to enquire about u but none know where u gone?tell me where u were?
swara:today princi dint come to school so i went to his house as tomorrow there s a conciling for transfer.u know that right?
shomi:s i know that.
swara:to get sign in d form i went to his house.
shomi:whoose form u went to get sign?
swara:mom my form only.
shomi:have u gone mad?

Till then silently watching d convo of mother-daughter duo hearing swara's statement shekar breaked his silence

shekar:swara what r u saying?
swara:dad tomorrow i m going to counciling.
shekar:do u know how tough is to get a job in ur hometown?
swara:dad u know first itself that working in a village s my ambition and want to increase their literacy....u know there r many schools who dont have teachers and d students r to avoid dat i want to go....but u dint allow me so for ur satisfication i worked for 1yr pls leave to my choice.
shekar:if u alone think whether d literacy will increase?
swara:if everyone think like me then we can increase d percentage.
shekar:finally what r u saying?
swara:tomorrow i m going to d counciling.
shekar:there s no use to talk with as u want.

Both father and mother scolded her and told dat if u want to go u have to go alone we wont come with u....u have to suffer alone...will u b able to manage alone??swara replied dat she can manage alone...and all went to continue their work.But swara cant understand y they are behaving like dis?
This s d end of 1st part know whether swara got what she wanted stay tuned to part 2 guys......guys if u like it comment guys.....if u dont like it feel free to tell me guys....dis ff has a social msg with some romance.....hope u guys enjoy


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