Part 23

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Episode 23

After the tragic incident swara is very upset but she is happy that her sasural people and sanskar believe in her....even swara's parent were very happy that their daughter got a good sasural.....

There in sanskar's house also all were upset thinking who has done this....who has enemity with them to make their wound deepen kaveri spoke against swara which makes ap dp and sanskar very angry.....but she dint stop....she just spoke ill about one point sanskar cant take it.....

sanskar:aunty just stop it.....
kaveri:sanskar if i stop then the truth wont change.....
sanskar:what truth aunty????
kaveri:that swara s charac....
sanskar:(interrupted)shut up....if u utter a word against my swara i m not responsible for the consequences....even i wont mind to kill u....

Kaveri is just astonished hearing sanskar....she dint expect that he will talk like this.....even dp and ap were shocked to his anger....but at one side they were proud that their son loves their daughter in law this much.....

raj(kaveri's husband):sanskar a girl whom u know for few months for that girl u are speaking against ur aunty???
sanskar:uncle she s not just a girl....she s my life if anyone talk against her then i wont kee quiet...understand??
raj:dpji what s dis???sanskar s speaking this much but u are just watching???
dp:raj first what kaveri talked is very can she talk like this???
kaveri:bhaiyya what i spoke that wrong????that photos show the truth....

Sanskar opened his mouth to speak but dp silenced him and he spoke....

dp:kaveri dont speak anything against swara...then i even i wont keep quiet....

Kaveri and raj dint speak a word next they just silently went upstairs to their room....after this sanskar went out in frustation....ap and dp were very upset seeing his ap called swara as she knows that only swara can make his mood right....seeing ap calling swara at first felt hesitated to take the call....then she took the call....

swara:hello mom....
ap:swara beta how are u???
swara:mom i m fine....
ap:beta dont think about yesterday's incident think that as a nightmare and forget it k....
swara:mom thank u soooo much....
ap:beta we believe dont worry....
swara:mom i m very lucky to have u....
ap:beta no we are only lucky beta.... mom...
ap:beta leave (she told everything....swara told that she will talk to him)
swara:mom dont worry i'll talk to him.....

At that time in kaveri's room....she was walking here and there....

kaveri:raj i dint think that whole family will support her...
raj:ha kaveri....that sanskar how he is speaking???i dint expect that he will speak like this....
kaveri:all our work got waste raj...
raj:i thought photo idea will work kaveri...but it failed
(s guys the photo is taken by kaveri and raj only and they only send it to dp)
kaveri:raj if it goes like this how can we make kavitha and sanskar get married???
raj:kaveri we have to get them married somehow....
kaveri:s we have to do something big.....

At that time kaveri got a call....after speaking to the caller she is very happy....seeing her happy....

raj:kaveri what happen???y r u laughing???
kaveri:raj not only us....another person s also there to stop this marriage...
raj:kaveri what r u saying???
kaveri:ha raj...some days before swar got hurt right???have u remember it??
raj:s i remember it....sanskar too told that she fell down....
kaveri:no raj...its a planned accident...
raj:what r u saying kaveri???
kaveri:ha raj....the person who did accident called me now....
raj:what r u saying???
kaveri:ha he too dont want this marriage to happen....
raj:wow so we have another one person in our team....
kaveri:s we will be strong....surely we will stop this marriage....
raj:k him/her and ask him/her to come to xyz place....
kaveri:mm k raj...

Then kaveri called that person and told to come to xyz place....both kaveri and raj were very happy...but all this were listened by a person who s standing near the door....that person got shocked....he/she dint expect that they will go to this extent....

On the other side....swara called sanskar....seeing her call sanskar took the call....

sanskar:hello swara....
swara:sanskar where r u??
sanskar:do no swara.....i m just driving....
swara:stop the car aside and talk to me....
sanskar:k madam i stopped the tell me...
swara:sanskar mom called me...
sanskar:what???y she called u???????
swara:sanskar dont get anger...she told everything....u only told right if we dint do any mstk y too afraid...then y r u behaving like this???
sanskar:swara s but its not that i m afraid....its...
swara:tell me sanskar...
sanskar:i want to meet u now...
swara:k tell me i will come...

Then sanskar told her to come to cafe....she went there....sanskar is sitting there n a table.....seeing him she went there....

sanskar:ha swara sit...
swara:sanskar what happen y r u restless???
sanskar:Swara someone s planning to stop our marriage.....
swara:what???u were saying this just bcoz f that marriage????
sanskar:no u remember ur accident???
swara:ha sanskar...
sanskar:its not accident.....its a planned one...

Then sanskar told his doubt....swara too do no what to that time sanskar got a call....he got furious after speaking to the caller....seeing him swara too felt something wrong then she asked him what s d matter??sansakr told about what caller said and they went to someplace....there the person who called sansakar was there....

sanskar:kavitha(s d person who called sanskar s kavitha)y u called me here???
kavitha:sanskar i want to tell u one u thing....
sanskar:what u want to tell???
kavitha:it would be nice if u c that instead i tell u....
sanskar:kavitha what r u saying??
kavitha:come here sanskar...

Then kavitha,sanskar and swara went somewhere....they saw kaveri and raj with another person...his face was not seen....they were talking....all these were heard by all the three....hearing this sanskar was shocked....he dint expect that they will do this much....s they all were talking how they wanted to stop the marriage....hearing this swasan was shocked and thanked kavitha for this....the person who heard kaveri and raj conversion was kavitha....then the person's face was shown....sanskar and kavitha were shocked to know the person.....then swasan and kavitha came after the three went.....

sanskar:kavitha thanks for informing this.....
kavitha:sanskar i admit that i love u....even i m obssessd with u...but when i saw u happy with swara i thought to change sanskar....but i dint know that mom and dad will go to this extent....
sanskar:thanks kavitha....i do no what i will do for u in return....
kavitha:sanskar just forgive my parents...i will make them understand...
sanskar:sure kavitha...but i wont leave that third person....
kavitha:even i dint expect that person....

Then all three went from there....

End of 23rd chapter.....
Guys thanks for ur concern.....This s d 2nd last part.....Next part will be the end....And i dont want to make kavitha here she s positive....guys do u have any idea of the third person???


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