Part 5

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Episode 5

Swara is thinking about her parents....then the students of this village and their future...atlast she also think about the man whom she thinking all these she dint sleep properly....

When next day she woke up she find that she slept for hours and fastly she got ready to go to school....then she came out and saw that her frnds ranjini and saranya have done both breakfast and lunch....

swara:i m sry...very very sry dears....i do no how i slept this much....atleast u should have wake up me na....i too would have help u all na....i m feeling guilty yaar....
ranjini:its k yaar dont take tension...u were sleeping that only we dint wake u....
swara:thank u guys....but i m sry...k guys shall we move??
ranjini and saranya:sure...

Swara wore a green always she s looking gorgeous....then all reach the school....all three were watching the cleanliness of the school....if we just show our hands all d students do the work....they were very punctual....

Geeta went early that day as she want to teach mathematics to 10th students.....

princi:good morning u all came early???
teachers:s sir...
princi:i have full confidence now that because of u all surely our school will reach high.....our school is also n one among the schools which have no basic facility....i have worked hard for each and everything such as buildings,water,toilets u all r with i got full energy....
teachers:we r there with u to work hard sir....and we r waiting sir(all said chorously)
princi:next if we increase the pass percentage then we can ask help from d government or any politician....then they will come forward to help....
swara:sir dont worry....this year surely our students will acheive 100% result sir....
princi:whether its possible swara??
swara:y its not possible sir???
princi:swara d the students who study here are very poor....they all go to work swara....for that itself they have enough time...then how can we make them to come school???and 100% result s not possible
swara:first we have to make the students to come to school properly...
arjun:that s not in d hands of students swara d harvest season parents itself take the students to work mam....
swara:parents alone r not the reason sir...
arjun:then who mam...
swara:their poverty s d reason...parents r not willingly sending their childrens to work satisfy their basic need such as food,water and clothes they send deir childrens to work sir....
princi:s swara i agree with u....
ranjini:then we have to make d parents realise d necessity of learning....
saranya:we have to make them understand that the amount they earn now will b less than d amount they earn n future if they study.....
swara:from tomorrow we have to find the students who r not coming to school....
princi:do it swara...

Then all went to their classes and finish their lectures and went to home....

Next day the school started...princi announced that the students who dint come to school yesterday should not to go to classes after the prayer....

A large number of students r there....mainly there r 9th nd 10th standard students r more....

student1:i went to pluck tapioca mam bcoz this s d harvest season of tapioca mam....if we went to pluck now only we can earn some money mam....then only we can lead our life without any that only my parents took them there mam...

Some students told that even they went to pluck tapioca....then swara and arjun asked the other students where they went....

All told that
"student2:went to get foxtail millet(kangni n hindi)
student3:went to get pearl millet(bajra n hindi)
student4:went to get sorghum(jowar in hindi)
student5:went to get honey mam(6th standard boy told)"

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