Part 6

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Episode 6

Next day as usual swara,ranjini,arjun,saranya,geeta all others went early to the school as they have to make arrangements for parent teachers meeting....

With the help of students there they arranged the benches in the ground under the shade of the tree....they have also arranged chairs and table for princi,pta president and teachers.....

Parents have started to come....they settled in their places....still some parents dint come as their one day salary will b they dint come....

Princi cing the arrangements and parents he was overwhelmed....

Now everything s set....but the main person that is the president of pta dint come...all r waiting for him....

Swara:arjun sir what s dis???only this much parents have come
arjun:its k mam.....atleast this much have come...u have to b happy mam....if they come here their one day salary will b cut mam so they wont come....
swara:sir then how can we make students to come to school regularly???
arjun:mam dont take tension...first we will talk to them....
swara:s sir....

Though swara told s to him....she was very upset thinking how to change the mindset of thinking this she forget that the many person dint come to attend the meeting....

Then she realised that and asked the princi

swara:sir sanskar sir dint come till now....its time to start....but he dint come sir....
princi:he will come swara...
swara:sir just call him and ask where is he????
princi:dont need to call swara...he will come...
swara:sir parents are waiting....
princi:let them wait swara....
swara:k sir i will ask him....

By saying this she took the phone....but princi suddenly snatched her phone....

princi:swara no need....
swara:y sir???
princi:i dint forget how u talked with him yesterday and how u made him anger....whether that s not enough...
swara:sir i will not talk like that with him....
princi:no need swara....when he comes we will start d meeting....
swara:sir but our classes are disturbed....
princi:no pblm we can manage....

Swara opened her mouth to say something but seeing princi's anger she shut her mouth and went from there....

ranjini:sanskar sir s a big head....all big people will b like this...
swara:after reaching 60 y they r still working...cant they b n a corner....y they have to get posting like this????only he grown old but all his thoughts are so cheap....
(actually swara s thinking sanky as an old man)
ranjini:just coming late alone he cant b cheap right???
swara:i m not saying him as cheap....his thoughts are only cheap....
ranjini:what do u me???
swara:he s selfish ranjini....c how much time we r waiting but he dint come till now...he dont care about others....
ranjini:no swara...our princi told right that he done many donations to out school....
swara:though....c now bcoz of him all parents r waiting...princi s also not allowing to call him...
ranjini:princi s afraid bcoz of ur talk with him yesterday....
swara:c according to me what i have talked s right....k leave it...i will ask sry to him today...
ranjini:mmm...thats better..

When both were talking there came a BMW car into the cing the car all were seeing it with mouth opened....the car stopped near the princi room...

A man came out of the car wearing t-shirt and genes with sunglasses....

By seeing him(man whom swara fought when she came here) swara was shocked....she thought y he came here???oh no whether he came here after knowing my name and address....

If it s ture then i will b n a great trouble....surely he will irritate me...but this time i wont leave him...

Swara was fighting a battle inside her heart....that time

saranya:wow!!!who is he????he s looking like a hero....
geeta:oh my god!!!in this hillstation i dint expect such a handsome man....
ranjini:his personality,height everything makes me crazy god....
saranya:i think he will b a father f some student who s studying here....
geeta:saranya whether u r blind???he s can he b a father???dont u have heart???

All r talking no no praising about the man but swara dint hear anything....she s just irritated by his presence....

Then arjun,princi and some teacher went to that man...

princi:hello sir....u r welcome...

Princi welcomed him....but his full concentration is only on swara....he s just looking her...

At that time princi called swara,ranjini,saranya and geeta and asked him to wish the man....all the three other than swara wished him...

swara:sir who is he??(she asked irritatedly)
princi:swara he is sirrrr ma....sir
swara:sir means???(she asked raising her one eyebrow)

By seeing this princi got nervous and told....

princi:swara he is sir...he s only sanskar sir....and sir she s only swara mam...
sanskar:the one who speaked with me yesterday right???
princi:yes sir...
sanskar:u r saying that she s a new teacher....cant she know about me...k leave this sharma...

By saying this he went and sat on the chair....swara cant identify during phone convo that he s d same person whom she fought with bcoz he said only s and k.....

Swara thought that sanskar would be a 50-60 age old man....she dint think it would b a young man....she s an obedient girl only but her first meeting with sanky s not when princi told to wish she dint wish....

All r respecting him a lot but y he behaved as a rougue with me???when she was thinking her thoughts are disturbed by princi...

princi:swara y r standing simply???give him some coffee....

Without any interest she pour the coffee and gave him...sanky looked her face deeply and carefully and drank the coffee....without noticing anyone sanky saw swara nd winked at her....

Then he told superb by seeing swara....but they do no that he s saying about swara....

princi:ha sir...we have specially ordered for u sir....
sanskar:mm(smilingly by cing swara)....then sharma how s d school going??
princi:all going well sir...
sanskar:mm...sharma i heard that all d vacancy have been filled....
princi:s sir....swara mam s d main reason for the vacancy to be filled....she worked n kolkatta sir but she chosed this village...she dint stop with that...she encouraged all teacher to work here sir....
sanskar:oh...she s great...
princi:swara though he belongs to this place...his bussiness and his staying all r kolkatta only....before 2 months he stood n d elections and won with great majority....
sanskar:leave that sharma...i just won d election only to get honoured...y u r saying all this???leave it...

Then they both were talking....but swara got irritated plus she was very anger seeing his behaviour with princi's age must be of 52 and he s equal to his father but he s calling him with bad he s...but princi he s calling this man as a cruel it is???and this princi after hearing his name from sanky's mouth he s smiling as if he done a great job....

End of 6th chapter guys....
Thanks for ur comments and encouragement guys...


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