Part 18

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Episode 18

swara and sanskar came to his room and swara was suprised to c the room very neet....its view also very pleasant.....then they both went and sat on the coach of the room....

swara:sanskar ur room s very neet....
sanskar:swara i liked to keep the place very neet....
swara:mm very nice....ur room is beautiful sanskar....
sanskar:princess this is not my room our room....
swara:sanskar dont be shameless....
sanskar:arey yaar what i did.....i just told its our room....
swara:mm k leave it.....sanskar i want to say u one thing....
sanskar:ha swara tell me...
swara:sanskar that.....
sanskar:(keeping his hands on her hands)princess dont hesitate just say it....
swara:sanskar shall we keep our marriage after 3 months....
swara:sanskar dont get angry on me.....pls pls
sanskar:swara this is very big one....after 3 months our marriage???r u in ur senses????what happened to u???how can u ask like this???
swara:sanskar listen i have a reason....
sanskar:what reason u have haan???i dont want to listen anything....
swara:sanskar pls....listen to me first.....
sanskar:no need to listen anything....come we can go down.....
swara:Sanskar just listen to me once....
sanskar:swara i said come down.....

Then both went down.....their parents were sitting and talking with each other.....

dp:sanskar we are talking about ur marriage only....
sanskar:dad i have to talk to u....
dp:ha sanskar tell me....
sanskar:dad can we have our marriage after 3 months???

Saying this he saw swara and smiled.....swara was shocked....she cant understand his intention....she was confused....sanskar seeing swara's condition he is enjoying....

dp:sanskar after 3 months???y??
sanskar:dad now only swara accepted my proposal so thought to spend some time so that we will get to know more about each other.....
dp:sanskar u r going to it will b ur decision....but ur engagement should be done early k.....
sanskar:no pblm dad....
dp:shekarji u dont have any pblm right???
shekar:we dont have any pblm dpji....
dp:k then ap call the astrologer we will fix the engagement date and marriage date...

Then astrologer came there and fixed the engagement date as coming sunday......they also fixed the marriage date after 3months....after that swara's parents got ready to go their home....they called swara to come with them....but sanskar told them that he will drop her in jhalong.....then they bid bye to all and went from there....even swasan bid bye to ap and dp and went.....after they went dp informed ap that they have to tell about swasan engagement to kaveri....ap hesitated to tell her but dp assured her that nothing will happen....then he called and informed kaveri about swasan engagement....she told that she will come on dat day....after hearing that ap and dp were happy that she dint create any problem.....

Swasan were going in the car at that time....

swara:sanskar when i told u that we will get married after 3 months u were angry but u itself told that we will marry after 3 months....
sanskar:swara u really thought that i was angry????
swara:ha u were angry right???
sanskar:princess i was just acting....
swara:what u were acting????
sanskar:s princess just acting.....i m not angry at all....
swara:u idiot....i thought u were can u do this????i hate u mr.sanskar mehta....
sanskar:but i love u mrs.sanskar mehta.....
swara:no i m miss.swara arora only....
sanskar:ya ya but soon u will be mrs.sanskar mehta.....
swara:at that time we can c.....
sanskar:sure princess....k now tell me y u asked 3 months time????
swara:ha sanskar annual exams are i have to give training to students thats y.....
sanskar:so what swara after marriage also u can work right....
swara:no sanskar i want to enjoy each and every rituals of our marriage.....if i get now married i cant enjoy thats y....
sanskar:oh mm k....
swara:sanskar which type of dress u like either saree or chudidhar???
sanskar:i like both swara....but u look gorgeous in chudidhar(just my choice....i like helly in chudidhar when compared to saree).....
swara:oh k sanskar.....

They reached jhalong....swasan went to sanskar's house and they spend some time there....both get to know the likes and dislikes of each was a very beautiful day for both....then sanskar hugged swara and kissed her both cheecks and bid bye to her and went from there.....

Sanky went to his home....both slept thinking each day arrives it is sunday....swara had called him to jhalong at evening....then sanky came there....but to his suprise swara was nowhere to be found.....

There was a chit in which he was advised to come to the place where they first met.....he too went there....he was shocked to c the place it was fully decorated.....

The place seems to be arranged for a date....there at the center swara was standing....she wore a beautiful chudidhar....she left her hair loose....she wore all the matching ornaments....she is looking like a princess.....

By seeing her sanskar was mesmerized.....slowly he went near her....she bent down in her knees and forwarded her hands....

swara:sanskar i tried my best to not fall for u....but i failed.....i fall for u madly now i m in love with u deeply and madly....i promise i will hold ur hands no matter what happens....i will trust u till my are the happiness of my life....i must have been very lucky to find a partner like u....i want to c u before closing my eyes in the night and after opening my eyes in the morning....i want to wake u up in the morning with bed coffee....i want to give ur things when ever u go out....i want to b ur soul....i love u soooo much....will u marry me????

Sanskar was awestruck seeing the proposal of swara....he dint expect that she will propose him like this....he is having tears in his eyes....

swara:sanskar tell me my knees are paining....

Then sanskar just hold swara's shoulders and make her stand and hugged her more tightly....then he released the hug and said that "i love u a lot swara.....i love u soooo much princess....i will marry u....."

Then sanskar kissed swara in her forehead,then eyes,then her cheecks.....and atlast he kissed her lips passionately....swara too reciprocated....then they released the kiss....

After sometime they ate their dinner there....after eating both swasan went to swara's house.....after kissing her forehead he bid bye to her and went to his home.....they were very happy.....

End of 18th episode.....

Guys i m not good at romance and proposal scenes.....if its not good forgive me....bcoz this is my first try guys.....


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