Part 14

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Episode 14

sanskar:swara dont think all the boys are bad....i truly love u swara....
swara:sanskar pls....dont want to talk about this
sanskar:k surely one day u will say i love u to me....i m waiting swara...(said with smile)

After that he went...swara was indulged in thoughts about sanskar....she was just seeing a time he felt that her gaze is on he turn and saw her....she was just watching seeing that he came near her....

sanskar:r u admiring me???
swara:no no y i have to admire u???
sanskar:then y r u watching me without taking ur eyes off on me???
swara:that that...nothing
sanskar:tell me swara....
swara:no by cing u i thought if u add in any advertisement it would b very good....
sanskar:oh that means u r saying me that i m very handsome and dashing right???

Swara dint say anything.....she went from there....sanskar too went from there after meeting the principal.....

Days passed....all start to complain to swara about their problems.....

people:teacher ji....we dont have electricity in our it is a hillstation fox,tiger all are coming into the village and they are eating the goats and cows....we do no whom to say about this....pls say this to the concern department mam pls....
swara:u dont worry...i will say to them

Then she went to the electricity department and gave the letter them....then they got proper electricity....thenanother day

people:teacher ji we dont have proper water facility the water which comes in the govertment pipe is not enough....ask them to dig a well and keep a motor tank so that we can use the water.....

Then she also went to the concern department and gave them letter and after somedays the people came and dig well and fixed the motor tank....another day one old couple came

couple:my son is studying in the college...we joined him somehow...but now we dont have enough money to make him study....if u can den help us teacher.....

She went inside and brought some money and she gave them.....they thanked her and went....

Then one day a lady came and told that she kept marriage for her daughter but there s a shortage of money so they asked help from her....then she went inside and brought her necklace and gave to the lady....the lady told her that she will settle the money in loan once she get the money....but swara refused and asked them to keep it as a gift from her....the lady blessed and went from there....

Then every people came and told their problems....all are solved by swara....all are very happy they thought swara as a saviour....

One fine day she finished her school and went to her her suprise when she went there she saw her parents there....she was very happy....

She went and gave a tight hug to her parents.....they sat and talked for sometime....

Then sharmistha went and made delicious food for swara and all others....she made all the favourite food of swara....

All sat including ranjini,saranya,geeta and they ate their food....

Then sharmistha and shekar went to swara's room to talk with her....

sharmistha:swara i need to talk something to u....
swara:ha ma tell me....

Sharmishta signed shekar to talk to swara....he was little afraid to talk to her and asked her to talk.....this was noticed by swara.....

swara:ma pls tell me....y r u hesitating???
sharmistha:swara sanskar's mom came to our house yesterday....
swara:so what ma???
sharmistha:she dint come simply....she came for some important matter....
swara:what important matter mom???
swara:mom say it....
sharmistha:she asked ur hand for sanskar....
sharmistha:ha swara....sanskar loves u...even u know it right???
swara:mom but i dont love him....
sharmistha:swara what wrong u seen in him???he is very good and he is very rich and humble....even annapurnaji was very sweet....
swara:ma but i dont like him....all the rich boys are same....
sharmistha:no swara....sanskar seems different...
swara:ma i thought u came here to c me with affection but no u came to ask me this....
shekar:swara we are ur parents....we dont think bad for u....
swara:papa i know....but i dont like him....
shekar:what is wrong in him???
swara:papa my marriage should b done with my concern....i m not ready to marry him....
shekar:y we dont have the rights to decide....
swara:u have papa...but i dont like him....dont compel me...
swara:papa if u want to talk about him then pls dont talk with me....

Sharmistha and shekar was disappointed and they tried to convince her....but she dint listen....then they went from there to kolkatta.....


End of part 14.....


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