Part 3

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Episode 3

Swara came to her house....

After seeing swara coming shekar turned his face to other side....shomi hit her face in her shoulder and went inside d kitchen....nobody asked her what happened there???whether u got transfer r not???she is very selfish they are just they are thinking only about their daughter....i didnt think that my parents will think like this....

If they dint talk to me no problem even i am their child i am stubborn like them....i too wont talk to them...after their anger goes surely they will come and talk....that time i will talk to them....she thought like that and ate her dinner and went to sleep...

After she went shomi went and took d transfer order from swara's bag and gave it to shekar and she started crying....

shekar:leave it shomi whatever we say she wont listen....she will do what she feels as correct....y u r crying....she s just going to jhalong...whenever we want we can go and meet her....for that we should not give up....if u and me dint talk to her only she will come to our way and she will think about us......
shomi:mm k....

Then shekar wiped d tears of shomi and asked her to sleep...

Next day swara went to her school and recieved her relieving letter....that day night she packed her clothes and neccessary things and went to sleep....

Next day morning she woke up then took bath and she wore a nice pink cotton saree....then put a single plait on her hair....then she wore matching ornaments such as pink bangles,pink earrings....simple pink pendant....she was looking divine....

Then she took her handbag,her bag and went to her parents....

swara:i know u r still angry with me....your anger s justified....but this much anger s not good for will only lead to various mom i m going....

Shomi was crying a lot....shekar was disheartened cing her leaving.....

After that swara went to darjeeling...arjun told that he will come in two wheeler and pick her up(guys actual fact s d distance between darjeeling to jhalong its approx 600km but in my ff its just 10km)....

Including swara there r 4 ladies who chosed jhalong in dat 10 arjun has talked to someone in jhalong nd got a house for dey all 4 r staying together....

She is waiting there for nearly half an hour but arjun dint come so she called arjun but his line dint she thought that to go there by auto....then she asked d driver to leave her n jhalong but he refused saying that he wont take her as d road conditions are not she decided to walk......

Its morning 11....though its hill station but d climate s she was sweating a lot...

After 2km of walk she saw a is so beautiful....there is some white flowers which is more beautiful to d lake....

Then she saw a to take rest she went to d tree and stood there and saw d beauty of lake...

On d other side there comes a audi car....the man who drives d car saw swara and came near her without taking his eyes from her.....then he put the break and came down....

But swara dint listen the car sound as she was mesmerized seeing d beauty of lake....

23yr old....beautifully born...the way she raped d saree...her earings....her single plaited hair.....she was looking as a divine princess...and he was mesmerized seeing her.....

As an instinct swara turned around and saw that a man was watching her leaning against d car.....

He wore a shirt and genes....he was tall....has broad shoulders,he was fair....totally he was handsome.....nearly 27yrs of seeing him a minute swara was afraid.....

He is continously watching swara....anger raises swara went before him and tapped her middle finger and thumb finger on his face....

swara:Who r u???Y r u seeing me like this???

swara asked to the man who was seeing her.....he just smiled by seeing her angelic face....her beautiful eyes....his eyes then went to her curved beautiful lips....

swara:helloooo...dint u hear me???
swara:have u dint c a girl before?
swara:why r u looking like a child watching a chocolate??who r u sir??y u r cing me as an alien???whether u r watching a girl today only????

Then he broke d silence and started....

man:i have seen lot of girls but havent seen such a beauty in my i dont want to waste dis time...

Swara was shocked and she told get lost to him and took her bag and start to go.....but dat man stopped her....

man:hellooo....just tell me who u r???
swara:whoever i m....what s ur problem???
man:from where r u coming???
swara:why do u need that???
man:for what purpose u came here???
swara:c i dont want to say u for what purpose i came here....understand.
man:k atleast tell ur name.
swara:u can move sir....u will have many works...go and c to that sir....

After saying this she started to walk but again that man stopped her...swara was very anger....

swara:just move away sir....otherwise i will lost my control...
man:just u tell ur name....i will give ur way...
swara:y r just irritating me....
man:i dont care....just tell me who r u???what is ur name???why u came here???then i will leave u...
swara:she just pushed him and again started to walk....

That minute when she touched him he was feeling happy...but at d next moment he came to sense got furious nd thought that she dint tell him any answer.....

swara:what??(she asked in frustation)
man:just answer my question nd then go...
swara:whether this place belongs to u??
swara:what this full hills r ur place???
man:more than half belongs to me...our farm lands and estates have been spread around this place.....
swara:oh!!!i do no that....

she welcomed him by keepings both hands infront of her chest and told

swara:helloooo to the prince of dis hills(said sarcastistically)
man:oh so u r teasing me right??c dont think that i do no anything....within 10 minutes i will find out everything about u.....
swara:then y r u wasting ur time here??go nd find my details...
man:atleast listen to my name and go....
swara:by knowing ur name what i will do???

Then swara went away from there....but dat man was watching her till she disappears from his sight.....


This s d end of third part guys.....
Who is that man????
Whether his intentions are right r wrong???
Whether he will b an obstacle for swara's dream???
Stay tuned for 4th episode.....



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