Part 22

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Episode 22

Sanskar was just thinking who can harm swara???he do no that enemy is of him or swara's.....he was feeling restless....Both swasan dint tell their parents about the accident they just said that swara has slipped.....but kaveri dint want to leave this.....she stated this as a abashagun...but sanskar cleared that he dont believe in this and swara has just slipped nothing big.....even ap and dp supported sanskar.....

Days passed but sanskar cant identify the criminal....swara do no that it s a planned accident.....sanskar dint reveal it to her....after that incident sanskar started to be overprotective towards swara....

At jhalong swara is very busy in preparing students for their annual exams.....swasan havent got time to spend....they just talk when they go for morning walk and in night.....The days passed very quickly....till now all went right....nothing wrong happened till now.....bcoz sanskar is very concious...Annual exams came....all the teachers and sharma was very tensed.....the hall center for the exam is in sanskar specially send bus from ara transport.....The students finished their ap dp shekar and shomi decided to arrange the they consult the astrologer and decided the date for marriage.....

Swara came to kolkatta....sanskar's friends asked for bachelor's party but sanskar decided it to be couples party....his frnds dint accept the idea but he insisted them and made them accept.....Sanskar went to his house to ask permission from his parents to take swara along with him.....he saw ap,dp,kaveri and raj are sitting and talking.....

dp:ha sanskar....
sanskar:dad i want to give party to my friends....
dp:sure sanskar....u can give....
sanskar:dad...i want to take swara with me....
dp:what but y swara????
sanskar:dad i am planning to give couples party....
dp:but sanskar....
sanskar:dad pls....
dp:mm k sanskar....but ask permission from shekarji....
sanskar:sure dad...i will ask permission from papa....
kaveri:bhaiyya how can u allow???bride and groom should not meet before marriage....
sanskar:aunty pls....i already told u that i dint believe this...pls...
dp:kaveri leave it....sanskar u take permission from shekarji i dont have problem.....
sanskar:sure dad...i will talk to papa...
kaveri:sanskar 1 minute....
sanskar:haan aunty what u want???
kaveri:take kavitha with u....
sanskar:aunty ask her to come with driver i m taking swara with me....
kaveri:sanskar u r going in the car only....u can take kavitha also right....
sanskar:aunty party starts at 11 only....but i and swara are going to someother place first then only we are going for the party.....
kaveri:oh kk....but how to send her with driver at night???
dp:kaveri dont worry....driver is trustworthy person....
kaveri:k bhaiya....i will send kavitha with driver itself.....
sanskar:shall i leave now????
ap:u go beta....
sanskar:k bye mom....bye dad....

Then sanskar went to swara's house and rang the calling bell....shekar came and open the door....

shekar:arey sanskar beta come in.....
sanskar:ha papa.....
shekar:what happen beta u came at this time???
sanskar:papa i came here to take permission from u....
shekar:permission???for what beta???
sanskar:papa if u dont mind can i take swara with me to the party???
sanskar:ha papa....i m giving a party to my frnds for my marriage....if swara comes it will be nice....
shekar:but beta....
sanskar:papa dont worry u trust me right???
shekar:i trust u beta....k u take swara with u...
sanskar:thank u papa....
shekar:its k beta....wait i will call her....
sanskar:papa if u dont mind shall i go and call her???
shekar:no pblm beta u can go.....she is in her room only....
sanskar:k papa....

Sanskar went to swara's room.....swara is lying down the bed....sanskar silently came and sat near her....he caressed her face....feeling the touch swara opened her eyes and saw sanskar....with a jerk she stood up....

swara:sanskar what are u doing here???
sanskar:swara swara relax....
swara:sanskar first tell me what are u doing here???how u came here???what if papa or ma sees???
sanskar:swara they know i came here....
sanskar:swara i came to take u to the party....
sanskar:swara have u forgot??i told right about couples party???
swara:ha ha....what papa gave permission???
sanskar:s swara he gave come...
swara:but party is at 11 right???
sanskar:ya but i want to take u to someplace....
swara:k sanskar u wait down i will come in few minutes....
sanskar:no way....i will be here only...u get ready....
swara:k baba wait....

Then swara got ready and went with sanskar.....sanskar took her to his shop and selected a western dress for her..he asked her to wear it....first she is hesitated as she is not used to this type of dress....but after much insistence swara went wear it came.....after she came sanskar is mesmerized to c her.....she is looking very beautifully....

swara:sanskar how i m looking????
sanskar:ha princess....
swara:thank u sanskar....
sanskar:shall we move....

Then both swasan went to the party.....both were looking like a princess and prince.....all the frnds invited them....they went inside....Then sanskar's frnd came there took them to dance....both dance sensously.....all were there....even kavita is present there...she too enjoying there....Suddenly some waiter came and pour little juice on she excused herself from sanskar and went to clean....sanskar told that he will accompany her but she dint she went alone....When she came back she slipped there....she thought that she will fall down....but before that some hand saved her....(dont think it is her hero) unknown guy held her through her waiste....She felt uncomfortable....but she kept aside her thoughts and thanked him and went from there to sanskar.....Then party finishsed....they both went to their houses....

Next morning in sanskar's house a parcel came there....ap received it and brought that to dp...he opened the parcel and see the thing and got shocked.....

By seeing his expression ap asked him what is in the parcel....but he went to the hall and shouted sanskar's hearing the shout sanskar came there....

sanskar:dad what happen???
dp:c this....

Sanskar took the parcel and saw it....he is shocked to c it.....he do no what to the mean time dp called shekar and ask him to come to his house with shomi and swara...Shekar,shomi,swara all came there.....dp took the parcel from sanskar and gave it to shekar....he too is shocked to c it....all saw the parcel and atlast swara too saw it....she is shocked to c it....there is a photos of swara and a guy who saved her when she fell.....she just saw sanskar....but he dint say anything....atlast kaveri came there and started to scold swara and her family....swara cant hear kaveri solding her family....

swara:enough....i was about to fall down at that time that guy helped me...nothing else...
kaveri:after got caught u were saying u think we will believe u??
swara:sanskar pls believe me....

Sanskar dint speak anything....swara pleaded to all present one dint speak anything....kaveri alone shouting....swara is very disappointed as sanskar dint believe her....after few minutes sanskar shouted at kaveri to stop her....then he told that "i believe swara....i was quiet that doesnt means i dont believe her"....after hearing this shekar and shomi were happy....

dp:sanskar even i dint believe this photos....i just waiting for u to speak...
ap:ha sanskar....we have full belief on our daughter swara....

Swara,shekar,shomi all were very happy....kaveri was fuming in anger....though she tried to instigate them against swara they dint hear kaveri....then dp told that we just want to inform that only we called u....then sanskar went to swara....

sanskar:swara dont cry....there is nothing wrong in u.....dont cry i believe u....

Swara is overwhelmed to c sanskar's love....she hugged him tightly.....sanskar made swara normal...then after sometime all went to their house....kaveri is just fuming in anger....

End of 22nd chap...


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