Part 13

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Episode 13

After that incident swara kept on trying to bring busses to this village.....

Three days after that incident at 8am a mini bus in the name ara transport came to jhalong.....

All the village people came there and were suprised plus they were very happy that they can go anywhere without any difficulty.....then all people went and told swara about the bus....she too was very happy....

After sometime swara got a call from sanskar...

sanskar:hello swara???
sanskar:whether bus came???
sanskar:have u seen it???
sanskar:are u happy????
swara:s..s...very very very happy....
sanskar:i talked to ara transport about this....they accepted....2 bus will come....totally it will come for 8times a day....
swara:i m very thankful to ur work mr.sanskar....
sanskar:but u only started this.....
swara:yes and u beautifully finished this....
sanskar:ok...bye swara....

Swara cant believe it....she was very happy that hereafter the people need not worry and their difficulty of going to other place by walk have came to end.....

That day afternoon sanskar came to jhalong to c swara.....

sanskar:hello swara....

At that time a boy came to meet swara....after seeing the boy she became very very seeing swara's reaction sanskar was very afraid by thinking that he might be her boyfriend....

boy:hello swara are u????
swara:i m fine...what is this mam???y r u calling me like that???
boy:ha u r so busy....cant contact u at all....
swara:sorry ajay(boy name s ajay)....u know i was too indulged in the work....
boy:mm k....i leave u....
swara:then how are u young man???
boy:i m fine beautiful....

Till then sanskar was listening the conversation he was silent after hearing the word he cant control himself....he fisted his hand tightly.....then the boy's attention went to sanskar....

ajay:swara who is he???(pointed towards to sanskar)
swara:he is mr.sanskar....have u heard the purna&co???
ajay:ya its the no.1 in kolkatta....
swara:he is the owner of that companies.....
ajay:then what he is doing here???
swara:bcoz he is the president of this village as this is his hometown....
ajay:oh....its good....nice to meet u mr.sanskar....(forwards his hands to sanskar)
sanskar:(forwards his hands to him and in frustation)nice to meet u mr.ajay....swara u introduce me to him but u dint tell about him to me....
ajay:ya i myself will introduce....i m ajay shergil....i m swara's....(interepted by swara)
swara:he s my boy friend....
sanskar:boy friend???oh ur friend right....

Hearing the word boyfriend both ajay and sanskar are shocked the most shocked is sanskar.....

swara:no no mr.sanskar he s my boy friend....(she stressed the word boyfriend)
sanskar:oh k....(he became upset and said)i have work bye swara....
swara:mm k sir bye....

Sanskar went there with heavy heart....he was very upset....after he went...

ajay:swara y u said to him like that....
swara:bhai he is torturing me...
swara:bhai he is n love with me....
ajay:wow swara its a very good news.....
swara:bhai pls dont joke....
ajay:no swara he truly loves u...i can c it in his eyes...
swara:bhai leave is suji??

After sometime they both talk and ajay left.....

There sanskar was heartbroken....though his heart said not to believe his mind said to believe.....after sometime he slept with heavy heart.....

At evening to get out of this thought sanskar went out.....he went to coffee shop....there he saw something and was shocked....he cant believe it.....then he went to his home....

Next day again sanskar came to meet swara with bouquet.....he came in his bmw....after seeing swara he went there to talk to her.....he kept the bouquet behind his back....

sanskar:hiii swara....(with broad smile)

By seeing sanskar smiling swara was shocked....

swara:hello....(said in frustation)
sanskar:yesterday i dint congratz u for ur success on bringing the bus here....congratzzz swara...
swara:its all bcoz of u....and what is in ur hands....
sanskar:oh i forget....this is for u.....
swara:for what???
sanskar:for ur success in bringing the bus....
swara:mm thank u....
sanskar:welcome sweetheart.....
swara:what sweetheart????c u know i have a boyfriend right....
sanskar:ya so what i should not say u sweetheart???
swara:ya bcoz i m another man's girl....
sanskar:so what????u both dint get married....still i have time darling.....
swara:urrr....dont call me like that....
sanskar:no way i can call u with any name.....
swara:u dont have the rights....
sanskar:i think u have memory loss problem.....
sanskar:s i already told u right i will take d rights....
swara:y r u torturing me???
sanskar:i m not torturing u swara....i love u swara....
swara:but i already have boy friend....
sanskar:swara dont dare to tell lie....and i know that he is ur bhai not boyfriend..... no u r mistaken....
sanskar:no miss swara and even i know he s already married....

After hearing this swara got shocked....s guys sanskar saw ajay and suji in the coffee shop....


Sanskar saw ajay and suji sitting with hands interwined....seeing this sanskar was shocked....when he went there and asked him y he is cheating swara???he told the truth that suji and swara are friends in college and suji s his wife....and she treats him as a bhai....but she told u that i m her boyfriend bcoz she dont want u to love her....after hearing this sanskar was happy as his route got cleared but when asked y she dint want him to love her???he told the reason that her college mate loved a rich boy and she s middle class but he betrayed her....after consumating he left her and the girl and her family done she hates rich people.....after hearing this he determined to change the view of swara that all boys are not bad.....


sanskar:swara dont think all the boys are bad....i truly love u swara....
swara:sanskar pls....dont want to talk about this
sanskar:k surely one day u will say i love u to me....i m waiting swara...(said with smile)

After that he went...swara was indulged in thoughts about sanskar....she do no what to do...she decided to leave it in her fate....and she went to her class and started teaching students forgetting everything at the moment......

End of part 13....


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