Part 24

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Episode 24

Sanskar,swara and kavitha went from there after hearing the convo of the trio....

kavitha went alone stating that she has some work...

.sanskar dropped swara in her home and went to his house.....

After reaching his house he went inside his room..

he is determined to clear all the hurdles in his marriage before therituals starts.....

at that time he heard some sounds downstairs....

so he went down.....

At evening kavitha called her mom,dad,sanskar,ap and dp.....

all came there hearing her shout.....

.there is a boy withkavitha....seeing that boy raj speaked....

raj:yash(d boy s yash...imagine ayaz ahamed...nikita's costar) what r u doing here???

dp:raj who is he???

raj:he s the manager of our company....

.dp:oh kk.....

kavitha:dad i asked him to come here....

raj:what u asked him to come here y????

kavitha:dad i and yash love each other.....

Hearing this all were shocked....

they cant believe it.....

the mostly shocked person is kaveri,raj and sanskar.....

kaveri:kavi what r u saying????

kavitha:ha mom...we both love each other...

.raj:how is it possible....till yesterday u were saying that u love u r saying that u love him????

kavitha:dad i accpet that i "LOVED" him dad....

but now i love yash dad....

raj:kavitha how can u say like this????

u do know what r we doing to u???

kavitha:dad i know everything not only me even swasan know that....

that u r trying every ways to seperate swasan....

Hearing this statement raj,kaveri,ap and dp were shocked.....

ap:kavitha what r u saying???

kavitha:aunty i m sry for my parents....

dp:raj,kaveri what is this???

raj&kaveri:------sanskar:dad i will tell.....

Then sanskar told everything about how kaveri and raj clicked the photos of swara with a man and send that to dp to stop this marriage....

he also told about the accident that took place at jhalong.....

dp:sanskar what r u saying???on dat day u told that swara fell down.....

sanskar:ha dad i dont want to make u all afraid...

dp:sanskar u should have informed me earlier....

kaveri u only did that too????kaveri:no bhaiyya its not me....

kavitha:mom when u tried to seperate swasan y cant u do this??

kaveri:c kavitha we just want to stop this marriage that doesnt mean we will go to some extent to kill someone....

dp:how can i believe u???when u have done this...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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