Part 16

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Episode 16

After sometime ranjini came there with the dull face...when all enquired what sanskar told her....she told that sanskar sir has accepted to marry his bua's daughter kavitha...everything s finished and he also told that he will come and give his marriage invitation card to her...hearing this swara cried a lot....all left her alone and went out to give her some space....

Swara is crying a lot cuddling in the bed....suddenly she felt 2 strong arms lift her....

swara:dad leave me....i want to cry for sometime....

The hands felt strong and hugged swara....her face touched his chest....then she felt that it s not her dad's chest....then she raise her head and saw who it is....she is shocked....suddenly she jerked his hands and move from him.....

swara:what are u doing here??how can u touch me like this???
man:y i cant touch u??u love me right???(s d man s sanskar)....
swara:s but u are going to marry another girl....
sanskar:so what swara???
swara:sanskar u r engaged to another u dont have rights to touch me.....
sanskar:ya...k i have decided one thing....
swara:(with some hope)what have u decided???
sanskar:that to marry u and keep u as my 2nd wife....
swara:how can u talk like this???
sanskar:ha baby by seeing ur love for me i have decided it....(said with naughty smile and moved closer to her)
swara:sanskar dont come near me.....i will kill u....
sanskar:swara i m going to marry u so i have rights....
swara:sanskar be in limits k....
sanskar:no limits i have in u darling....
swara:sanskar pls.....
sanskar:what swara....u love me right even i love u so why cant we marry???
swara:sanskar we could have marry if u dint have get engaged to other leave me....i will try to forget u....(she said while crying and started to blabber)

Sanskar just kept his lips in her lips and started to kiss her....she is no what to she dint reciprocate....after sometime he left her.....she just sat there as a statue.....

sanskar:swara when ranjini called me i was near only....i came here for some work....then she told me that u love i thought to tease u.....i told her to tell a lie that i got engaged to my bua's daughter....i just want to see how much my swara loves me....then i told her that i will come and make u can u think that i will marry some other than chance swara i just love u and will only marry u swara....even if u dint love me also i would have been single in ur memories swara.....i cant give ur place to anyone sweetheart....(put his hands on her shoulder)
swara:(after hearing this she started to beat sanskar in his chest)how can u do this to me sanskar????u know how much i cried????i thought i lost u.....idiot pls dont do this like this....
sanskar:swara dont beat here....u will only get pain....bcoz u reside in my heart.....
swara:sanskar how can u love me soooo much???
sanskar:swara what que is this???i do no but i love u soo much.....

Then swara throw her arms wide and hugged him tightly.....he too reciprocated....both hugged like that for nearly 30 minutes....then only sanskar noticed that swara's body s burning and broke his hug....

sanskar:swara what happened???y s ur body burning???r u having fever???
swara:no sanskar nothing like that...(said and stood from her place)
sanskar:(hold her hand and pulled in him)swara no ur body is burning a lot.....wait i will come....
swara:sanskar wait.....

But sanskar went out and asked ranjini and others about this.....they told that she had light fever when she came in the evening we asked her to took tablet....but she dint listen....after hearing this sanskar felt guilty that bcoz of him only she got fever....then took the food for her and went inside swara's room.....

sanskar:swara eat this food and take the tablet....
swara:no sanskar pls i dont want to eat....
sanskar:swara pls eat the food or i will feel guilty swara....
swara:y u have to feel guilty sanskar???
sanskar:ya bcoz of me only u cried a that only u r suffering from fever....
swara:no sanskar its not like that....
sanskar:then eat the food....
swara:k give the plate....
sanskar:no no i wont give....
sanskar:swara i will feed u....
swara:so sweet of u k

Then sanskar feed food to swara and gave tablet to him....then he asked her to take rest and stood to go but swara hold his hands and

swara:talk for some....
sanskar:sure darling but u take some rest....tomorrow we can talk....
swara:no sanskar now only i ate talk for sometime after that i will take rest....
sanskar:mm k....swara i started to love u when i first saw u....when u started to love u me???
swara:u told that u fought with ur father for this village people right??
swara:from that time sanskar....(guys she started to love in the 4th meeting itself)
sanskar:then y u dint tell me???
swara:i was afraid sanskar and even the status between us was also the reason sanskar....
sanskar:oh pagal....thank god atleast now u told me....
swara:even now i dint have courage to tell u....ranjini and others compelled me and asked y i was sad so that only i said.....
sanskar:mm if ranjini dint tell u would have not expressed it right???for all this u have to get punishment from me after our marriage.....
swara:what punishment u will give????
sanskar:wait i will show u a sample....

Saying this he pulled swara closer by keeping his hands in her waist and kissed her harder in lips after few minutes both released as they are out of breath....swara blushed a lot her cheecks are redened.....then hugged him tightly....after few minutes he made her to lie down and kissed her forehead and went to his home happily....

Sanskar went to his home seeing him happy ap and dp too were happy....

ap:sanskar what happened u r soo happy today???
sanskar:mom i m soo happy.....

He hold her hands and started to round....ap and dp were very happy to c sanskar like this....then he kissed ap in his cheecks and told....

sanskar:mom swara accpeted me that she loves me....i m sooooo happy is the best day in my life mom....
ap:wow sanskar its really indeed a good news sanskar....
dp:haan sanskar....then dont want to take more time....i will call shekarji and talk about ur marriage....what u say sanskar??
sanskar:dad i m happy....before that i will talk with swara and tell about marriage dad...
dp:k dont take much time.....
ap:haan sanskar atleast now will bring my bahu right???
sanskar:sure mom i will bring her tomorrow itself k....
ap:ha k....then sanskar tell about her favourite dishes i will make it....
sanskar:mom i do no....
ap:no pblm i will do best food come and eat ur dinner sanskar....
sanskar:haan ma i will eat more today as i m happy....

Then sanskar,ap and dp went and took the dinner.....after that all went to sleep....sanskar went and slept in d dreams of swara......

End of 16th part....


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