Part 8

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Guys today fully it would be swasan only....

Episode 8

After talking with sanskar swara went and resumed her class....

Till evening parents were coming.....princi diverted all the parents to swara.....swara talked to all of them and send them home....after finishing her she too along with her frnds went to her house....

"Where u all r working???what work u all r doing???" these are the questions she asked to the parents.....then next day she went to school and called the students who dint come to school yesterday....she asked the reason to them then all said that they went to work....she asked the same question to the students....

After hearing the answer from students and parents she was very very angry on come and he can get work from school going students.....she was desperately waiting to c him and ask him how can he do this???

Two days passed she dint c him....

She has a habit of morning walking.....even after coming to jhalong she dint leave that habbit....that day to at 6am she went to walking....

On that day it was sunday....she wore a beautiful chudidhar....the cold breeze touched her face....she is walking by enjoying the nature....

"you are looking beautiful in chudidhar very very beautiful....superbbbb!!!!!!" a voice comes with some desire....she turned back and saw whose that voice is???after cing who is that the anger arose inside her.....

Sanskar is standing there behind her with his hands folded across his chest......he was looking handsome and dashing in tshirt and shorts with beautiful smile on his face....

'Come baby come i m waiting for u only.....i wont leave u today....i thought to come to kolkatta and scold u but to my luck u itself came to me.....

Today i will reduce ur arrogancy and break ur addition to that what u told i m beautiful in chudidar very very beautiful and superbbb right' she thought to herself....

She thought to herself and angrily looked sanskar....

swara:whether i asked u how i m looking in chudidar????who r u to describe me????what rights do u have???
sanskar:s i dont have rights only....
swara:after knowing that u dont have rights then y r u prasising me???
sanskar:i took that rights myself....i believe u will give me rights to praise u....(said and winked looking her)
swara:how dare u???
sanskar:to wink at u???
swara:u told me that i will give rights to u and for winking me also....
sanskar:i have guts swara...
swara:u can have guts....but dont show ur guts to me....
sanskar:cool cool swara....y we have to fight always when we r meeting???
swara:i dont have desire to fight with u....
sanskar:i too dont like to fight with u swara....i want to talk with u lovingly swara....(said with a smile)
swara:for that u can c any other girl...
sanskar:but i like u only....i dont like other girls....
swara:sanskar dont talk rubbish...stop this and do something useful...
sanskar:what i have to do???say it to me...
swara:the reason for our school students not coming to school and going to work is u only u....
sanskar:what is this swara???dont put blame on me....
swara:c for field harvestation u r using our school students only....
sanskar:swara no...stop it(he said with anger)
swara:to pluck foxtail millet u r using our students....
sanskar:swara stop it....
swara:the foxtail millet around this village are going to ur factory for grinding....u ur using the people in jhalong....
sanskar:c we have factory to grind the millet and the people of this village work there i accept it....but we dont keep students to work there to work...
swara:whatever i m saying is true....i have asked both parents and students then only i m speaking to u....
sanskar:(after listening from swara....sanky is shocked) swara whatever u r saying s new to me.....whatever u r saying may be true....but the factory is seen by my father....his manager only harvest the millet in our factory...... the fields,importing and exporting the millet,thread mill,readymade shops are seen by my i dont have any idea about that....
swara:then what work u r doing sir???just wearing new new dresses...then going on ride in ur new brand brand cars right???(she said teasingly)
sanskar:(by hearing this he laughed)i am maintaining purna readymade shops,purna jwellery,purna car sales,purna stores.....
swara:what the very big purna&co with different bussiness is urs???
sanskar:oh yes....annapurna is my mom i kept my mom's name for my bussiness....y if u c me cant u believe u that i m d owner of purna&co....
swara:then y u want this president post of this village???that too after studied in london....
sanskar:the people of this village want my dad to b the president but my dad show his hands to me...i cant go against his words so i said k....
swara:after becoming president of this village have u done anything to this village which doesnt have any basic facility???
sanskar:i became the president just before 2 months only....i dint have time to come here...if any job is here only i will come...hereafter only i have to do something....
swara:u dont have time to maintain ur own work....then y this post???if somebody is in dis position they would have done something good things to this people....
swara:u have only thoughts about how to earn money????how to keep it safe????where to invest it???only....
swara:then the foxtail millet which grow here and the grains are all given to u in d low rates....u r gaining profit like that only....but what about the farmers here???they are getting only loss....
swara:u r giving less than 200 for a u no that???
swara:these people cant sell it to other bussiness people with profit....also at the same time they cant leave u as u belong to this doing this do u know how they are suffering???
sanskar:that is....that is my dad's bussiness...
swara:though it is ur dad's bussiness dont u c what they are doing mr.sanskar???
swara:whatever sin ur father is doing dont u have the responsibility in that....
swara:surely u too have responsibility in that mr.sanskar....just think it...bye

After saying this swara dint wait for his answer and went to her home....but sanky was in deep thinking after listening swara's words....


End of 8th episode guys....thank you soooo much for ur support and encouragement guys....


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