Part 4

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Episode 4

Jhalong came...she went to the school and opened the gate and went inside....

Arjun,Saranya,Geeta,Ranjini then other people who chosed this school were sitting....princi Sharma is sitting infront of them....after seeing swara....

arjun:what mam u came by urself???u would have called me right??i would come and pick u up right??
swara:i called u many times sir....but ur phone s unreachable...
arjun:oh sorry dis village there s tower problem mam....
swara:its k pblm...

If i say to arjun that a man came in audi and told me that he will drop me wherever i go and i rejected him then they will think that i am idiot who dint use the no i should not tell him....when she was thinking her thoughts are disturbed by princi....

sharma:come swara....take ur seat....the vacancy here are fully filled....and the main reason is u...i m very proud of u...
swara:thank u sir....its my pleasure...
sharma:here as a single person i taught all d subjects to the students and by seeing my struggle c.e.o sent 2 teachers from government school here for 2 doing office work and with the help of 2 teachers we worked hard though the pass percentage is only that i was little disappointed...

After hearing sharma statement swara was suprised...

swara:sir as an one man army u have acheived 75% sir....its a great acheivement many schools though there r staffs for all subjects they have showed only 60 to 65% sir....u r teaching all subjects in one side and doing office work in other side is not a simple thing sir...hats off to u sir....many are getting award for good teacher...but u r perfect for it sir....
sharma:dont praise me much swara...
swara:no sir i m speaking the truth only....i m very honoured to work under u sir....
sharma:its 1yr i came here swara....but i cant fill d vacancy here...but u with ur speach ability u have convinced them to work here....really u r great...i m very thankful to u swara...
swara:no sir....when i saw that all places are vacant here i decided to come sir....then i told the pain difficulties and the situation of the students here to arjun,geeta,ranjini....they listened carefully and patiently and they came here sir....i have d dream to work here sir...but they just listened to me and came here even though they have vacant places n their they are best and great sir....
sharma:for this behaviour itself u will reach high places swara....
swara:thank u sir...

Then she gave her order letter and signed the register....

The bell for lunch has been rung....all the students came near princi room and saw dem nd went happily.....

sharma:here there s no nice i told my wife to bring u food....

As he was saying.....she came with biriyani for all....she served to all and happily they ate....

After the lunch princi announced all the students to come and assemble in the ground....

sharma:good afternoon students....there are 10 new teachers to our school....all are youngsters....keeping u students in their mind they came here to teach u.....(pointing to swara)she is swara mam....she s d reason that all teachers got transfer here.....

After hearing this all students start to clap....then swara wish all the students....then all other teachers started to introduce them....then princi told all to study well and get 100% result....then students went to their respective classes....

The school campus was well managed....its fully clean and they have planted many tress around the campus....

swara:sir u have managed the school very well....its fully clean and the trees here give us shadow....then the flowers give us peace to our heart sir....very nice...

By hearing swara's words princi was very happy.....

sharma:its all happened after i came here swara....the students here are very good....but they dont have good guidance....when i came the school was looking like a dessert....then with my own cost i bought d plants and asked the students to plant....then they planted and taking proper care of that....
swara:really nice to hear that sir....

Then swara went to 10th standard class....

swara:good afternoon students...
students:good afternoon mam...
swara:hello students...i m swara...ur english teacher...i came from kolkatta...
student1:mam really r u from kolkatta....
student2:u were living n a city that too kolkatta....then y u came here that too village mam???
swara:u all r suffering without teacher right so that only i came here....
student3:mam have u married?
swara:no child i dint get married till....
student4:u r very beautiful mam....

Then she asked the students to introduce themselves....then she taught english to all patiently and briefly....after the class finished....

students:mam u taught us nicely....we understood well mam...

All students start to praise swara and dey gave guarantee that they will get 100% result in english....swara was overwhelmed....

After school finished all 4 female staff went with arjun to their house....

Its looking like a garden...there was a big bunglaw....behind that there was a medium guest house in which all 4 r going to stay....arjun opened the gate and went is so beautiful....all thought that if this house itself beautiful then the big house must b fantastic.....their thoughts are disturbed by arjun....

arjun:here there s no house vacant....i said to sir(village head) that u 4 r going to come he asked all to say here....whether u all liked the house???
swara:its so beautiful....
others:yaaa....very very beautiful....
swara:how much is d rent??
arjun:no rent and all mam....i told the sir that u all r coming here to teach so he gave this house freely to u all....
swara:no no how can we stay freely???we will give money we can....
others:ya even we agree with swara mam....
arjun:k ur wish....sir and his family all come here only on occasions and to take rest....they have many bussiness in kolkatta....even this is their hometown they will come here rarely....

Arjun praised about sir and his family and went from there....

Then all four went inside and took a look at house....

Then they took the induction stove they brought and cooked something and they ate....

After that all went to sleep....while swara was thinking about her parents she slept....


End of 4th part guys.....i know all r desperately waiting for our heros entry....from next part u will c our hero guys.....


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