Part 19

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Episode 19

Both swara and sanskar were happy thinking about their proposal.....both slept thinking about the moments.....

Next day usual swara woke up sent "good morning" to sanskar and went for her morning walk....she is very happy when she is walking enjoying the nature suddenly she saw sanskar standing there....she was very very happy seeing him....after her proposal to sanskar swara felt shy seeing sanskar......she lowered her seeing her blushing sanskar cant control himself....just went to her and hugged her tightly.....she too hugged him.....after few minutes they released the hug.....and sanskar pecked her cheecks.....

Then they both went for the walk....after that sanskar went to kolkatta swara went to her house.....then she got ready and went to evening again sanskar comes to jhalong and both spend some time and he will go back to his home....this was the routine that continues.....

Like this 3 days passed.....on 4th day that is thursday sanskar came to jhalong evening and both swasan went to sanskar's house and sanskar asked the maid to prepare coffee and both swasan went to sanskar's room.....

Sanskar made swara sit on the bed and he lied down on her lap....both were talking enjoying each other.....

At kolkatta in sanskar's house ap and dp were talking about the arrangements for that time kaveri her husband and kavitha came there.....

kavitha:hello aunty....hello unckle....
ap:hello beta....
dp:ha hello beta....
kavitha:aunty where is sanskar???
ap:sanskar went to meet swara....
kaveri:but bhabhi sanskar should not meet swara before engagement right???
ap:kaveri they are youngsters....they will not listen...that too sanskar studied in london...he does not believe in it....
kavitha:aunty i want to meet sanskar....
ap:he will come at night beta...that time u talk to him....

Then ap went from there....but kavitha is desperate to talk to him so she told that she will go to her friends house and went from there.....

Kavitha went to jhalong....she knows his house she went there directly....the maid also knows about her so she dint say anything to her when she came into the house.....

She asked the maid where is sanskar....then the maid told that both swasan were in sanskar's room....she went from there.....

She striaghtly enter into the room as the door is open....seeing her swara is startled....sanskar's expression become as "oh no y she came here".....

Swara asked to sanskar to get up from her lap but he dint listen....he just laid in her lap.....

sanskar:kavitha what r u doing here????
kavitha:y sanskar i should not come here???
sanskar:no kavitha nothing like that u can come here....but suddenly i dint expect....
kavitha:i came here to talk to u....
sanskar:u would have wait in our house right???just for talking u came till here????
kavitha:ha sanskar very important....
sanskar:k kavitha say me....
kavitha:i want to talk alone....

At this swara try to get from her place....but sanskar dint leave her....

sanskar:kavitha there is nothing to hide from swara.....i wont hide anything from her....soo u can say me....

After hearing this swara was very happy.....she felt that she is the luckiest person in the earth....kavitha felt disgusting....

kavitha:sanskar try to understand....
sanskar:kavitha swara will be here....if u have any problem then u can go....
swara:sanskar it can be something personal....i will wait outside.....
sanskar:princess u dont need to go....if she has pblm she can go....
kavitha:k so she wont go right....
sanskar:s she wont go....
kavitha:then dont blame me sanskar.....
sanskar:i wont blame u....
kavitha:k i love u sanskar.....

Hearing this swara is shocked.....she do no what to do....but sanskar dint react...

sanskar:kavitha i m sorry but i love swara...(said holding her hands)
kavitha:sanskar how can u do this to me....u dint love me???
sanskar:kavitha u dint hear....i love swara only swara....k keep that in mind.....
kavitha:have u forgot our parents have decided this in our childhood itself....
sanskar:but i dint decide it right....
kavitha:sanskar from childhood i love u only....
sanskar:kavitha listen i havent seen u in that sense....
kavitha:but i have seen u as my life partner sanskar....
sanskar:kavitha try to understand....i dint love u i just love my swara....
kavitha:so u wont marry me right???
sanskar:oh shit when i dint love u how can u think that i will marry u???
kavitha:k leave it sanskar....i cant compel u.....
sanskar:thank god atleast u understood.....
kavitha:ya sanskar...between swara u r really lucky....congratzz....
swara:ya i m really lucky and thanks.....and i m sry kavitha.....
kavitha:no no leave it swara....its my fate.....
sanskar:i m sry kavitha if i hurt u.....
kavitha:its k sanskar....i will forget u....
sanskar:mm thanks.....
kavitha:k i will go bye.....
swara:kavitha how u will go???
kavitha:i came by car....but i asked driver to i have to call him back
swara:no need kavitha u can go with sanskar.....
sanskar:swara but i want to talk with u some more time....
kavitha:ha no pblm swara i will go....
swara:no no kavitha....sanskar we can talk tomorrow...u go....
sanskar:mm k princess.....

He said and kissed her cheecks and forehead and bid bye to her and they both went.....

Sanskar and kavitha went to seeing them together....

ap:kavitha u told that u are going to frnds house but u are coming with sanskar...
kavitha:aunty sorry i went to meet sanskar only....
ap:i told u that he will come here right???
kavitha:ha aunty but its urgent so that only....
sanskar:ma leave pblm
ap:k come and eat ur dinner....
sanskar:ha ma....

Then all finished their dinner....sanskar went to his room and called swara.....there seeing the caller id swara took her phone immediately....

swara:hello sanskar.....
sanskar:princess have u finished ur dinner???
swara:ha sanskar i finished....what about u???
sanskar:now only finished swara....then dont think about what kavitha told k....
swara:sanskar no pblm....i have trust on u sanskar....then y i have to think about her words....
sanskar:swara u believe me a lot....
swara:sanskar u r my life....then how can i not believe u???
sanskar:princess i love u sooooo much....
swara:love u too sanskar....

Then both talked for sometime and slept thinking about their future.....

End of episode 19


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