Part 15

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Episode 15

Next day after swara finishes her school she was returning to her that time sanskar was waiting for her near the car in the way to her home....

By seeing sanskar standing ranjini,saranya and geeta wished him...but swara simply stood there....

Sanskar:swara i need to talk to u....

After hearing this others went leaving swasan alone.....

swara:s...what do u want???
sanskar:swara yesterday ur parents came here right???
swara:s...u know right then y r u asking??
sanskar:swara i do no that my mom went to ur home and asked ur hands for morning only she told me and she also told that u rejected me....i too scolded my mom that without her permission y u asked her mom....c swara i wont compel u....u dont have interest on dont worry hereafter i wont disturb u by saying u to love me and marry me.....

Swara was shocked....she do no what to do....she dint expect this from sanskar....

sanskar:swara whenever i c u i wont disturb u,tease u....just when we c we will say hi bye thats it....and sorry swara for disturbing u this much....let me be sanskar malhotra the president of this village and pta and a bussiness man of kolkatta.....and u be swara teacher of jhalong thats all the relation we will have hereafter....

Hearing each and every word from sanskar swara's heart pained a lot.....she felt that someone is punching her heart.....

sanskar:this people think u as a saviour.....ur so good all have very very good opinion about u.....i dont want to hurt u swara.....u have to b happy happiness lies only in ur happy i wont disturb u swara....bye...c u

With that without turning back sanskar went and sat in the car and left from there.....swara cant take this ...she dint react anything....she was just staring the car....after that she went to her home....

2 days sanskar kept his words he dint come to jhalong and disturb her....she missed sanskar a lot......

sharma:swara to expand the school building i asked fund from the district education commitee.....they told that they dint have enough fund....even the minister of education have said even teachers came here....we cant accomodate the students...if rainy season starts we cant teach....what can we do???
swara:shall we ask collector...
sharma:i went to all department only he is left....we can go and ask there to swara....

After that swara wrote a letter then sharma and swara both went to the collector that time sanskar came out from the collector office....

sanskar:sir what are u doing here???(guys note that he called sharma as sir.....even swara noticed and she was happy inside but dint show it)
sharma:we came here to ask them help in expanding the building of the school as the students are suffering without proper infrastucture.....
sanskar:u should have told me a word right???(After pause)k i will wait here...u go and give the letter to the collector and come.....

Then both went and gave the letter to the collector and came out....swara and sharma went near sanskar....

sanskar:sir u both come with me i will drop u....
sharma:mm thank u sir....
swara:sir we will go in the bus itself...
sharma:swara sanskar sir himself is saying just come and sit silently.....
sanskar:sir leave it....swara if u want to come by bus u can come....we will move sir....

By hearing this swara do no how to react but her ego dint allow her to go in his car....they went from there.....then swara too went from there in the bus....

After few days collector came there with some construction people and he started to see the location and instruct them start the work....

Swara was very happy that she feels satisfied in helping this people...she thought whether that collector helped bcoz of sanskar???anyhow the building is constructed thats what i she was missing sanskar....his tease,his smile everything she was missing....she wants to c sanskar but his coming to jhalong has reduced.....even if he comes just hi and hello...she felt very bad but dint show it.....she was just longing for him....she cried all night thinking about sanskar.....when she was thinking all that collector came to her....

collector:hello swara...
swara:hi sir....
collector:i m rishi....sanskar's friend...
swara:(after hearing sanskar's name she was happy inside)s sir....
rishi:swara do u think that this building is build by the government fund???
swara:s sir any doubt???
rishi:u r wrong swara....this whole building is build in the money of sanskar....when u came there to my office i checked the fund but we dint have enough money...then sanskar came and asked about this to me then after that he gave his money....
swara:sir r u serious???he gave this amount???
rishi:ha swara i m saying the truth only.....y i have to lie??u know he hasnt seen any girls....but he is interested in u swara....u have the mentality to help the people...he has money if u both become one u can do many more things swara....just think about it....

After saying this he went from there....swara cant accept it....that is she cant take that he s doing this much for her....Then she went from there....after going to home she thought to go somewhere so that she can relax....she asked her frnds to accompany her but they refused stating they are tierd....then swara herself went out....

When she went out there she went to a park and sat there silently in the bench.....the clerk whom swara used to give the letter in behalf of jhalong also present there....after seeing her the clerk went to her....

clerk:hello madam how are u???
swara:hello bhayya i m fine.....

They both talked for sometime and the clerk asked....

clerk:madam sanskar sir is ur relative???
swara:no bhayya...y r u asking???
clerk:madam the letter which u gave to me all are passed to sanskar sir only mam....he only fulfilled all the problems of the village mam.....
swara:bhayya what r u saying???
clerk:ha mam....he did all with his own come government will fulfill ur wish immediately??he told me not to say....but i cant keep quiet....

After saying this the clerk too went...she too sat there for sometime analysing everything and then went from there....she was standing there for her that time inspector raj who arrested swara came there and saw her and he told that the ara transport is owned by sanskar sir only and also told that she s lucky to have a life parter like him....swara was just thinking and suddenly it striked that the transport he started is in her name that is half of her name....she was very sad hearing this....

She went home and started to cry a lot....all her frnds ask her the reason then she blurted out what all happens with her and sanskar and also told that she loves sanskar....they all scolded that she missed a gem in her life and also there is a time now atleast tell him now.....but she was very afraid so ranjini told that she will she went out and called him and told the matter....

Then after sometime ranjini came there with the dull face...when all enquired what sanskar told her....she told that sanskar sir has accepted to marry his bua's daughter kavitha...everything s finished and he also told that he will come and give his marriage invitation card to her...hearing this swara cried a lot....all left her alone and went out to give her some space....

End of part 15
Guys if any mistake forgive me....bcoz i wrote in a hurry.....


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