Part 20

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Guys last epi i told that kavitha came to meet swasan at
thursday....not thursday its wednesday....
Episode 20
As usual swara woke up went to walk...there sanskar also
came....then both went for their morning that
swara:sanskar i want to say u one thing....
sanskar:sure swara....i already told u not to hesitate.... all the people are uneducated sanskar....
sanskar:s swara....i know y r u saying it???
swara:there is a reason sanskar....whatever they need
either to read or write they come to me or to any of the
teachers available....
sanskar:ya i know it.....y u r saying this to me swara???
swara:offo sanskar let me talk....u just listen k....
sanskar:mm k madam....
swara:mm thats gud...k leave it....i thought one thing
swara:sanskar r u listening???
swara:sanskar answer me....
sanskar:u only told me just to listen right???that only i m
swara:sanskar pls be serious....
sanskar:k tell me swara....
swara:all the people in this village need to be educated
sanskar:swara what r u saying???all need to b educated???
how is this possible???
swara:educated means i m not saying that all should get a
degree and all....
swara:they need to know atleast how to write and
read....otherwise many will betray them
sanskar:mm nice idea....whether i have to do anything....
swara:s sanskar ur involvement is necessary...whether u
will b free today???
sanskar:today???ha s afternoon i will be free....
swara:then come here sanskar....
sanskar:sure swara....i will come...k bye....
swara:bye u....
sanskar:love u too princess....
Then sanskar kissed swara's forehead and went.....even
swara went to her home and got ready and went to
At school....its lunch time....all the teachers and even
sharma is present there.....swara and all are waiting for
sanskar.....sanskar came there little late....
sanskar:sorry i got late....
sharma:its k sanskar sir....swara even sanskar sir came
what is the matter.....
Then swara told everything to them which she told to
sharma:swara what can we do????
swara:sir i have an idea....if u all r k with it we can
sharma:ya tell us the idea swara....
swara:sir totally we are 15 teachers here....y cant we teach
sharma:swara i dont understand...what to teach them???
swara:sir after our school hours just 1 hour or minimum 30
minutes we will just teach them basics alone....just to the
extent of how to study and write alone sir.....
sharma:swara ur idea is nice....but will they accept this??
sanskar:ya even i have that doubt swara.....
swara:sanskar u have to make them accept...u r the head
of this if u say to them they will consider it
(guys all the teachers and sharma know that both swasan
love each other and r going to engaged)
sanskar:sure i will tell them swara.....
swara:sanskar if they dint accept atleast either husband or
wife should learn....
sanskar:ya i try swara...
swara:sure sanskar i have belief that they will accept....
sanskar:dont worry swara if they dint accept i will make
them accept....
Then they gather all the people of the village....sanskar told
everything to the first all hesitate then after
much insistence most of them said they are ready to
Then sanskar announced that on sunday they are going to
get engaged....all were happy....
people1:mam we are happy that u r going to get married to
the head of the u too going to belong this
village....we are really lucky to get u and sir mam....
All wished the couple for their bright future.....then all went
to their respective works....
Then they planned that each day one teacher will teach
them....sanskar assured that he will help them if they are in
need of money.....swara is very happy....after that sanskar
bid bye to swara and went....
Swara is sad as sanskar dint spend time with her on that
evening....he went home as he has some work...then she
too went home freshen up and chat with frnds....asusual
ate dinner and went to sleep at 10....
At night 11 sanskar came there and went to his house in
jhalong....he decorated the terrace.....
Swara havent much interest in celebrating the birthday's
and she forgot that tomorrow is her birthday....
Then at 12 sanskar went to her house....he already called
her frnds and informed about the suprise so they opened
the door and sanskar went in....
He woke swara up and swara was startled to see
sanskar.....that too at midnight.....
swara:sanskar what are u doing here at this time????
sanskar:happy birthday princess....
Swara do noo how to react...she just watched him
sanskar:princess happy birthday....
swara:sanskar birthday???
sanskar:ho ho princess today is ur birthday....
swara:oh ya...i forgot.....
All the friends wished her.....then sanskar blindfolded
swara and took her to the terrace....she was suprised to c
the decoration....she is very happy....she just turned and
hugged sanskar tightly and kissed his lips
passionately....sanskar was shocked.....then he too
After that swara cut cake and they celebrated....then
sanskar gave his was a beautiful saree and
matching diamond jewelleries.....
sanskar:how is it swara????
swara:awesome sanskar....loved it....
Then both talked sometime and went to sleep.....
At morning swara got ready to school in the saree sanskar
gifted....she is looking like a that time
shomi,shekar,ap,dp,kaveri,raj(kaveri's husband),kavitha all
came there....
By seeing them swara is very happy....all wished her and
then ate the breakfast together.....
At afternoon sanskar arranged lunch for all the people in the
village....swara is very suprised.....she was very
happy....all wished her for happy life....
Swara dint expect that sanskar will go to this extent to make
her happy....she went to lonely place and seeing
her going sanskar went back of her.....
sanskar:swara what happened????
swara:sanskar y u love me sooooo much?????
sanskar:what happened swara???
swara:sanskar y u did this much???
sanskar:swara what question is this????u r my life this is
and all not a big thing....
swara:no sanskar this is very much big thing....
sanskar:swara k leave it....whether u liked it???
swara:sanskar i loved it....thank u sooo much...i m really
lucky to get u u soo much....(said and
hugged him)
sanskar:swara u do no the rule "pyaar and friendship mein
no sorry and thanks k"
swara:mm k sanskar....but i love u....
sanskar:love u sooooo much princess.....
Then both hugged tightly......
End of 20th part.....


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