Part 7

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Episode 7

Princi,sanskar,swara and other teachers went and sat before the parents....

Then princi came and said

princi:good morning to all....i m very happy to c u all here....sanskar sir special thanks to u....u would be having many works...but inspite of all ur works u came here....i m very greatefull to u sir....(sanskar smiled seeing princi)then my beloved parents we dint expect this much people to come...and i very thankful to u....the purpose of the meeting s just to give d awareness to u all about how studies are important to students....if ur children dint come to school than they cant understand the syllabus so that they cant score good to avoid this we arranged this meeting...our teachers will explain u....

After giving welcome speech princi told sanky to speak to them and he sat in his chair....

(guys princi gave speech in consider ur mother language)

sanskar:dear parents...good morning to princi said education is very important to should study so that only they can have bright future....

As sanskar was continously talking in english all parents were cing him by keeping their hands in their mouth....they cant understand anything....though they cant understand they cant say to him....

Swara was seeing this...she was frustrated and went near sanskar's ear and told

swara:sir these people do no english...if u speak like this they wont understand...then the purpose of this meeting would be please speak in ----(fill it with ur mother language)

After hearing this from swara with smile sanskar said

sanskar:ok miss swara....

Then he started to speak to in ----(ur language)...though he spoke he cant speak fluently in that language some not many english words came between....then he spoke some and said that miss swara will continue and went back to his seat.....

Then swara and came and wished all the parents by saying namaste that s joining hands infront of her chest then she started her speech....

swara:dear todays world whether it is a boy or girl education is very very very important.....all r thinking that if we dint go to work today then u will not get ur todays salary....but just think the salary u will get today will be very very less than the salary ur child get after finishing his/her studies....just think today u all r doing tough jobs do u want ur child also do this job???if u send ur child to school only they will study well and their future will be better....tomorrow if u say that ur child s a doctor,engineer,police,collector,lawyer,teacher u will be proud or by saying that they are worker just like parents just think if u send ur child to school only they can be a doctor or engineer or collector or if u think u want a secure future for ur child then pls send ur child to school....

Swara is talking to them....and she s making all parents to convince them to send their child to that time sanskar is just watching beautifully she s speaking....just to her talk her earings are also dancing in the air....he was looking at her very lovingly....

All who watched sanskar they noticed the way he s looking swara as if he will eat her....

ranjini:y sanskar sir is watching swara like this???
saranya:i think so he has fallen for swara...
ranjini:s even i think so....c how he s watching....
geeta:swara s an angel...she s soooo beautiful....any man would fall for her....but millionare like sanskars eye has fallen on swara....she s really lucky...

Then some teachers too talked to d parents....meeting finished successfully....all the parents thanked princi for this meeting and they assured them that they will send their child to the school without fail....princi and swara was very very happy....princi thanked swara for this idea.....sanskar was amazed by cing swara responsible....

Then tea is served to the parents....after this they went to their home....teachers went to their respective classes....then sanskar went with sharma to his room....

Swara is teaching in her class....she stopped the class as she saw a shadow and saw outside.....

Sanskar is standing majestically near the door....swara paused her class for few minutes and she came outside....

sanskar:r u from kolkatta???
swara:(she thought)why he cares if i belong to kolkatta or not????(to sanskar)s....
sanskar:my hometown s jhalong only....but when i m young we went to kolkatta....i studied there upto 5th standard only....then i went to london....i finished my studies there only....
swara:(she thought to ask but dint ask)y he is saying this to me???
sanskar:so that only i cant speak fully in ----(fill n ur mother toungue) and mixed with english....after finishing my pg only i came to kolkatta....but i havent seen u in kolkatta....where s ur house?
swara:in howrah
sanskar:y where u worked before?
swara:there only....
sanskar:omg....u have worked in ur hometown itself but y u came here???
swara:its my dream from childhood to work in hillstation so that only...
sanskar:oh....the other teachers also came listening to u only right...sharma told ur speech itself u changed their heart right???(he said by rising his eyebrows with smile)
swara:(she stood there with biting her lips)
sanskar:hmmm...if u talk who wont listen???u have a good talent in talking....your voice is hypnotizing addition to that u r a divine angel....this is enough u can defeat anyone....the poeple of this hillstation s seeing u as if they will eat u at anycost.....hereafter all d students will come to school without fail....this is 100% sure....(with smile)i havent seen a girl with this much beauty....i havent loose my heart to anyone...even i havent flirt with anyone...but after seeing u i lost my sleep swara....
swara:(after knowing the meaning of his words) sir..... (she said astonished)
sanskar:what wrong in this???
swara:sir pls no....
sanskar:but i need....i need u swara...
swara:ur face s innocent....but i dint like u as u r betraying this people....
sanskar:what i betrayed this people???
swara:s....the rogue like u are in a big position...what rights is this???
sanskar:if i m rogue whether the people will select will me for this position????whether they will call me sir sir???
swara:they are calling u sir as they are afraid of u....
sanskar:i m not rowdy swara....i m a good business man....this hillstation people are living only by us....
swara:i will ask this hillstation people and will know how they are surviving by u....
sanskar:oiii....(he told with anger)
swara:go....just go nd do ur work instead of coming back behind a girl....
sanskar:u have to talk with respect to sanskar...otherwise u have to worry behind...
swara:we can c that...
sanskar:u r so arrogant...
sanskar:u have so much pride...
swara:oh...u know it??i m happy...
sanskar:u have more headweight....
swara:but i do no....(she said teasingly)
sanskar:we will meet again...
sanskar:to fight like this again...
sanskar:after fight love will come....for that also...that love will be very very sweet....

After saying this he walked majestically...swara just saw him walking without winking her eyes...then she realised what she s doing and unknowingly she blushed....


End of part 7 guys....
Thank you all readers for ur continous support guys....


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