Part 10

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Episode 10

Sanskar went to his room angrily.....

As time passes Durgaprasad and Annapurna went to take their dinner....both expected that sanskar would come down to eat but to their disappointment he dint come down....annapurna became more sad....

ap:dp ji till yesterday he dint accept for a miracle he accepted for marriage....this itself a very big this whether u have to put a condition????that too he have to marry ur sis kaveri's daughter kavitha....i do no y u think like this????u dont want ur own son's wish????
dp:ap but i want my sister's relation too....
ap:but ur son doesnt like her.....what to do???we cant compel him....
dp:ap but kaveri is expecting a lot from us....she s confident that we will make kavitha our daughter-in-law.....
ap:dp ji u just want only ur sister happiness not ur son's happiness....
dp:ap i dint say like that but now what i can say to her....
ap:i do no what u will do.....but i just need my son's happiness....thats it....
dp:ap do u think that i dont care for sanskar's happiness???he is our one and only son ap....
ap:then leave the thought of sanskar getting married to ur sister's daughter....
dp:k....i do no what to say her....
ap:tell her that if we get married into relations then the child will born with some illness....
dp:mm ya this too seems to b an opt reason....k i will tell ask him to come down and eat....
ap:(happily)thank god...u dont worry i will talk to him....
dp:mm ap ask him whether he loves any girl???
ap:i dont think so...though i will ask him....

After talking to dp ap went upstairs to sanskar's room to call him to eat....she went and knocked the door....

ap:sanskar open the door...
sanskar:mom pls dont disturb me....
ap:beta u first open the door....
sanskar:mom what do u want???
ap:sanskar come to eat....
sanskar:mom i dont want to eat anything...pls leave me mom....
ap:sanskar dont show ur anger on food...
sanskar:mom i cant marry that chipkali....
ap:u dont want to marry her sanskar....
sanskar:mom but dad???
ap:sanskar he s just thinking about his relation with his sister...thats it....
sanskar:oh he wont compel me to marry her right???
ap:if he dint accept dont worry we will make ur dad to marry that chipkali....:-P
ap:he told me that marriage is ur dont worry...
sanskar:(happily)thank you mom(kissed her cheeks)
ap:k tell me who is my daughter in law???

After hearing this sanskar didnt talk to her...he is silent....

ap:have u seen my daughter in law r hereafter only u have to see her????
sanskar:already seen her mom....
ap:what u have seen???r u saying truely???how my dil would be????whether she will be tall or short???she will be fair or black???she will be beautiful right???how is her family???where she nd her family is living??(said in one breath)
sanskar:mom mom relax....just breath....u can ask one question after other question right???
ap:sanskar tell me...
sanskar:mom ur dil is very angel...she has studied a lot....she belongs to kolkatta....she s fair....she will b like a princess mom....
ap:she belongs to kolkatta...then its very good....if she s from some other place it will be difficult for u to handle ur bussiness when u go to visit her house....
sanskar:ya mom....
ap:have u said "i love u" to her....
sanskar:(his lips curved into smile hearing "i love u")r u speaking like my mom???
ap:what if i m ur mom....i cant ask u???
sanskar:kk....i have seen her recently one mom...whenever we both see each other it end with fights only mom...(said sadly)
ap:dont feel for it sanskar.....fight is the first step of love sanskar....
sanskar:s mom even i hope so....
ap:dont worry sanskar and dont take too much time to say "i love u" to her k....
sanskar:sure mom i wont take much time....
ap:k tell me about her character...
sanskar:mom y r u asking that???she has the characteristics of devil and monster mom....
ap:sanskar what r u saying????(said shockingly)
sanskar:mom if ever anyone watches her or teases her thats it she will turn into a devil mom....if anybody does wrong or cheat someone then she will turn into a monster mom...(said and smiled)
ap:sanskar in a minute u made me afraid....(said and slapped sanskar teasingly in his arms)
sanskar:ha ha ha....
ap:sanskar what s my dil name???
sanskar:mom after saying her "i love u" i will say her name....
ap:dont do soo much sanskar....
sanskar:mom...her name s swara....she s working as a teacher in jhalong....
ap:oh kk swara...nice name....after marriage it will be sanskar its sounds nice....
sanskar:ya mom...even i noticed now only....
ap:mm first we have get her transfer to kolkatta sanskar....
sanskar:mom mom no no....she willingly got transfer to jhalong mom....she worked in howrah only....but its her childhood dream to work in hillstation mom....there she want to help d students....she dint stop with that she convinced many and brought them there to work mom....
ap:really she is a nice person...i m very proud to b her mil....sanskar bring her one day...i want to c her....
sanskar:mom wait wait....i do no nothing about her mom....what if she loves anybody???i have a doubt mom becoz i m a millionare mom i myself going and flirting with her....but she is not at all showing any interest i have to confirm that mom....then i have to propose her mom....after that she have to accept me...then only i can bring her....
ap:what sanskar???y r telling like this??
sanskar:its just my assemption heart says that there s nobody in her life....but my mind has slight doubt mom....i too want to believe only my heart mom....lets hope positive mom....
ap:ya sanskar....dont worry she wont have anybody in her life....
sanskar:mm k mom....
ap:k come and have ur dinner...

Both sanskar and ap went to dining table....dp sat there n sofa waiting for both sanky and ap to come....then all sat in the dinning that time dp's phone seeing the caller id he s shocked...dont know what to happen....

dp:ap kaveri is calling....
ap:dp ji take the call and talk to her...
dp:she will ask about marriage ap...
sanskar:dad tell her i m not interested...
dp:mm..have to tell only...but do no what will be her reaction....

He attend the call and put it in speaker....

dp:hello kaveri how are u??
kaveri:i m fine are u???how is bhabhi???how is my sil???

Hearing the word sil all are shocked...sanskar gave a disgusted look...

dp:ha all are fine kaveri....
kaveri:bhaisa kavitha finished her studies....when are u coming to my home to take her as ur dil???
dp:kaveri even i thought to talk about that onl....(before he completed she interepted)
kaveri:wow!!!i called at the correct time only...
dp:kaveri first listen to me....
kaveri:ha bhaisa bolo....
dp:that that....
kaveri:bhaisa tell...
dp:sanskar is not interested in marrying kavitha kaveri....
kaveri:bhaisa what r u saying????u promised me that kavitha is ur dil....she too loves sanskar a lot....she s not ready to marry anyone...
dp:sorry kaveri we cant compel sanskar and make him marry kavitha...then both their life will not be u know the consequesnces if we marry in relations then the child will born with some illness....
kaveri:u do no this conseqences before giving me ur words????
dp:kaveri dont complicate it....what i can do sanskar s not ready to marry to kavitha and he s saying that he considers kavitha as a sister....
kaveri:k leave it bhaisa i can understand.....i cant compel him....i will try to make kavitha understand.....
dp:thanks kaveri....
kaveri:its k i will keep the call...
dp:kaveri u r not angry on me right???
kaveri:no no bhaisa....
dp:(with smile)k kaveri bye....

After he kept the call all were very happy....even ap said that sanskar loves swara and told about the convo between her and sanskar.....though swara's family s a middle class family dp first thought then thinking about sanskar's happiness he too accepted...sanskar was very happy as everything is going correctly without knowing the danger behind him.....

There in kaveri's house after keeping the call she thought that she have to make something so that sanskar marry kavitha....

Dp,ap,sanskar went to sleep with smile on their faces....whereas kaveri smiled evilly and went to sleep....


End of episode 10......
What will kaveri plan now???
Whether Dp,ap and sanskar's happiness will be like this forever???
Whether sanskar's love story ends before it starts???
Stay tuned for 11th episode.....


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