Part 12

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Episode 12

One month all these months sanskar tried his best to give good impression to swara.....but swara dint show any feelings towards him....her full attention were only n improving the situation of the students....

With the help of swara and other teachers the education level of students has sanskar's word all students comes to school without fail....if only the students are not well they can take leave without any prior information....for other reason first they have to get the permission from swara and swara will first confirm d reason then only she will permit to give leave.....

Even to get any basic products which are used for cooking also we have to go to darjeeling....we have to go by walk nearly 6-10km....all the people were affected by seeing their sadness and the people's condition swara cant digest the matter.....

So on one saturday she decided to wrote a letter to the concern department to bring bus for jhalong....she went to their office and gave the letter to them for arranging the bus....

One week passed but there is no response for the letter given.....then she went there and asked about the letter and its response....

But they told that the condition of the road is not nice....first ask the government to put the road then we will send bus to that route....swara cant digest it....her blood boiled....but she cant do anything....

So one day she gathered the students of their school and all the people of that village and decided to do a strike so they went to the main area and sat on the road....they started to shout to give bus to their village....there was lot of traffic....then the inseptor of that area raj came.....

He told that we will fullfill all ur wish now all get disperse....but none stood from their place....then he started to beat all the people....all get frighten and started to go......

But swara alone sat there and she dint move even a little.....then raj called the ladies police and asked them to vacate her but she dint move little....then he asked the ladies police to arrest swara.....

Lasy police arrest swara and make her sit in the jeep....but swara dint get afraid she was full of confidence....

inspector raj:how dare u???being a girl dont u get afraid???how many times i told u to go but u dint go right????u forgot that u r a government employee....if i put a fir on ur name then u will loose ur job....dont u know that???go go and sit there....(he said pointing to a chair)
swara:i wont get frighten to ur words....whatever u want u can do....

At the same time there in jhalong arjun called sanskar and informed everything to him about the strike then swara's arrest everything.....then sanskar become furious and called inspector....

inspector raj:a small girl talking to me like this inspite u forget that i m a police officer.....

At that time his phone rang....he told to swara that wait after talking i will come and show u who i m....

inspector raj:sanskar sir....namastey....s sir....swara???ha s sir.....that girl gathered all people in the village and she organized a srike sir....sir sorry sir....sry sir....u r coming here k sir....

Within few minutes sanskar's car came there....Inspector and other police officers went to him....then inspector raj open the door of sanskar and he came down and inspector told him sorry and took him inside.....

After seeing sanskar there swara dont no what to do....she just bow her head down....

inspector raj:this lady dint listen to us sir....just to frighten her we brought her here sir....we dint file any complaint against her sir....i m sry sir....
sanskar:mm k mr.raj....
inspector raj:sir whether she is ur relation???
sanskar:she s going to become my relation raj....
inspector raj:by cing ur eagerness i can identify it sir....sir pls dont say this matter to ur dad....
sanskar:mm k raj...dont get nervous....
inspector raj:sir u can take her....

Then sanskar signed swara to come....

swara:i will continue this strike until they arrange the bus to our village....

By saying this she went behind sanskar....

sanskar:come and sit inside swara(he told her by opening the door of his car)
swara:no need....i will go myself
sanskar:swara dont irritate me....u r defaming me before this man....(said angrily)

Then she sat in the car seeing his anger....then he too sit in the driver seat and started the car....

swara:u should have told that i m jhalong school teacher....y u told them that i m going to become ur relation???that inspector too dint have sense he too without any shame telling to u "dont tell this to ur dad"....y r u doing this sanskar???
sanskar:(with smile)swara i just said that u r going to become my relation for that itself c how they are respecting u....if u become my relation then think of the respect u get....
swara: i dont need that type of relation and respect....
sanskar:kk leave it swara....y u r doing unnecessary works????
swara:what unnecessary work i did???
sanskar:u did strike to arrange the bus for jhalong right....i m saying that only
swara:c as a president of this village u should have done this strike....but u dint do i did it....if u would have done this then y i am going to do???

Sanskar just saw her and smiled.....

swara:till they arrange the bus i wont leave this....y r u laughing???i m not saying lie....i m saying seriously....
sanskar:c i was in darjeeling only when arjun called me and told about i came and saved u...otherwise???have u realise what would have happen???now u would have been in jail....c i m a bussiness man i have my own work i cant come all time to save u....
swara:c sanskar i dint call u and told u to come and save me....i should scold that arjun he doesnt have any sense....
sanskar:u have soo much one have called me sanskar....all will call me only sanskar sir or simply sir....but u for every sentence u r calling me sanskar sanskar....
swara:dont speak as if u are soo good....our principle would be of ur father's age but what u called him???u called him by his name....then the inspector he s of age 45....even u called him with his i too learned this from u only sanskar....(said teasingly)
sanskar:u r surveying only becoz of ur mouth...u have sooooo much dare...
swara:i have sooo much dare so that only i can survey from ur type of person....

Swara teased sanskar and spoke to him back to back.....sanskar dint get irritated instead he was enjoying the convo and feeling happy....then he dropped swara to her house and he went back to his home.....

End of chapter 12.....


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