Part 9

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Episode 9

After listening to swara sanskar stood there shockingly.....he do no what to do....what to believe....

After that sanskar went to his home and straightly went to his dad Durgaprasad Mehta.....

sanskar:dad whatever u r doing s correct????
dp:what i did beta???if u ask like this how can i say???
sanskar:there s a complaint against u that u r getting the millet and grains in low rate by reducing 200 or 300 rupees for a sack....
dp:who told all this???(he said with anger)...
sanskar:dad whether it is true or not????just answer it alone....
dp:that we have to ask to manager only....
sanskar:dad that is ur bussiness....without ur involvement corruption has not been done....
dp:sanskar u r doubting ur father....
sanskar:i m not doubting dad....i just want to know the truth thats it....

When they both were talking their manager came there.....after seeing him sanskar got very angry...he just went to him and hold his collar and slapped him very hard....

The manager do no what to do....he was just shocked by seeing sanskar's anger....again sanskar came to beat him very that time his dad came and hold his hands and asked him to calm down.....

manager:sir what i did???y r u behaving like this with me???y did u slapped me sir???
sanskar:dont talk to me....i do no what i will do....u r asking me what u did???u r getting the millet and grains in low rate by reducing 200 to 300 rupees for a sack from farmer???....from how many days this s going on???recently or from the start????
manager:sir....sir that...
dp:from when insecticides,pesticides and medicine shops are opened in jhalong....
sanskar:that is y....y r u doing like this??
dp:c we are giving them loan,seeds,insecticides,pesticides then whenver they are asking we r giving money for them to harvest....
sanskar:but u r getting money for all these right???
dp:ya they are giving us money without interest whenever they get money in their hands....
sanskar:in d front u r acting as if u r doing good by giving them money but in d backside u r getting money from them that to with come i do no this???dad all are farmers that too they all are our people dad....whether we have any need for money???we have all with us....then y are u earning money going in wrong way???whether we have to live by betraying others????
sanskar:dad i dint finish....let me finish first....i do no that u r giving seed,pesticides,insecticides and money on loan....but i no that u r getting the millet and grains in low rate by reducing 200 or 300 rupees for a sack....but hereafter dont do like this....u can give seed,pesticides,insecticides in service loan....but like other dealers u have to get the millet and seeds in correct price....if u dint do like this then forget that u have a son....all d relation between us will be cut....

By seeing sanskar speaking like this dp was shocked....he dint expect that his son will talk to him like this....

Then annapurna came there with tea to seeing sanskar speaking like this even ap was shocked....

Sanskar dont like to earn money in wrong doings.....he also dont like people earning in wrong ways....even in his bussiness he sell all the things with less profit that only always there will b people buying somethings and it will b busy....

Though he sell the products with less profit...when compared to his oponent he gain more money....

ap:sanskar y r u talking like this???he is ur dad....what he did that ur soo much anger on him....
sanskar:mom pls u do no pls u dont interfere in this matter....(he said gritting his teeth)

Then ap become silent as she knows the anger of sanskar is very dangereous.....then dp signed the manager to go...manager to went from there....

dp:k leave all what u want to say???
sanskar:there should not be any corruption in the import of seeds and millets.....then u have to get the products from the farmers with correct prize only....
dp:k beta....we can do it....
sanskar:dad u r getting old....
dp:s sanskar...i i m 60....after many years of marriage and doing lots of prayer u born sanskar....
sanskar:but till now u have done many sins and all will reflect on me its enough....
dp:what r u saying sanskar??
sanskar:dad its enough for u to work....just take rest....hereafter i will takeover all d bussiness of urs....i can maintain it with my bussiness...
dp:sanskar can u maintain all d bussiness single handedly???(asked with doubt)
sanskar:y i cant handle dad????
dp:i have belief that u can handle but 10% i m scared sanskar....
sanskar:u can believe on me 100% percent dad....
dp:k but i have a condition....
sanskar:dad what s dis???
dp:sanskar u blackmailed me....i dint say anything right then accept my condition also....
sanskar:k dad....say it what is ur condition???
dp:then my condition is that u have to get married....
sanskar:dad what s dis???
dp:sanskar if u get married then i will take rest....
sanskar:dad what s connection between me getting married and u taking rest???
dp:there are many connection sanskar....if u get married then ur wife will also help u in our bussiness sanskar...

When dp is speaking about marriage the first person who came in his mind is dad he himself is talking about marriage so we should say yes he thought to himself....

sanskar:k i will get married dad....
dp:then i m very happy sanskar....
sanskar:k then i accept ur condition so u should take rest....
dp:mm sure sanskar....annapurna call kaveri....
dp:s ur bua sanskar....
sanskar:y to call her???
dp:to ask her to when we can go and c her daughter kavitha....
sanskar:for what dad....
dp:sanskar are u joking???now only u said k for marriage...
sanskar:dad what s d connection between my marriage and kavitha???
dp:sanskar to make her married to u....
sanskar:what that chipkali kavitha is my wife????
dp:sanskar what r u saying????
sanskar:s dad i cant marry her dad...i dont like her...
dp:sanskar dont c d outside beauty and decide....
sanskar:dad u urself know i wont consider d outer beauty....
dp:then what wrong u c in her???
sanskar:dad from childhood i played with her,talked with her....but i cant c her as my wife....i consider her as my sister only....
dp:sanskar she finished M.B.A. she will b very useful for ur bussiness....
sanskar:dad i m getting married not to take care of my wife just can simply sit eat take care of me and my parents its enough....
dp:sanskar u should not restrict girls doing job....
sanskar:dad i m restricting....if she wants to work she can do but i dint get married to take care of my bussiness a u said....she is my wife not an employee....
dp:ur marriage is my wish sanskar....
dp:my sis kaveri's daughter kavitha is ur wife....u have to accept it sanskar....
sanskar:if u want me to get married to her only then i dont need marriage dad....
dp:sanskar my decision is final....
sanskar:even my decision is final....

Both father and son are fighting....ap do no what to do...she cant talk on favour of one....she s justing standing and listening their convo hoping they would get united....but of no use....after saying his decision sanskar went to his room angrily....dp s standing there angrily and ap s standing there heplessly.......


End of 9th part guys....
What will happen now???
Whether dp will change his decision???
Whether sanskar will tell about swara to his family???
Whether swara will accept his love???
If kavitha will trouble swasan???
Stay tuned to 10th part guys....



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