Part 21

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Episode 21

After the birthday celebration all went to their houses....shekar and shomi too took swara with them as sunday is her engagement....

Sunday arrives....all were very happy expect few people(u guys know who are that)....engagement function is done in sanskar's house....

Only few people's have been invited....close relatives and frnds are only invited.....the teachers of jhalong and sharma is also invited.....swara dint have much frnds....only limited frnds....

Mehta mansion is decorated very beautifully.....all the guests started to come.....ap and dp are standing in the entrance and welcoming all....

Sanskar is in his room lying in the bed and seeing their selfies in his phone.....he is very happy....he cant wait to c his princess.....he is restless...he called swara.....

There in swara's house also all were preparing to go to sanskar's house.....ranjini,geeta,saranya all were in swara's room making swara that time swara's phone rang.....she took the phone and saw the caller id....seeing that she started to blush and all start to tease her....

Then her frnds went out giving her privacy to talk.....

swara:hello sanskar....
sanskar:princess have u got ready....
swara:ha sanskar i m ready...
sanskar:then y u dint come till now.....
swara:sanskar wait for few minutes....i will be there....
sanskar:i cant wait princess....come fast....
swara:sanskar u r behaving like a baby....
sanskar:what can i do princess????i just want to c u....
swara:mm i will be within 30 minutes.....
sanskar:what 30 minutes??????
swara:sanskar it takes half-an-hour to reach ur house....
sanskar:oho shit....k come fast i am waiting for u.....then its not my house its our house doesnt forget it k.....
swara:oh sooooo sweeeeet of u sanskar....k baba its our house....happy!!!
sanskar:yaaa sooooo u princess.....
swara:love u too sanskar.....
sanskar:k come fast princess....
swara:sanskar i m coming....for that u have to cut the call....
sanskar:ya...bye princess.....
swara:bye sanskar.....

Then they kept the phone.....swara got ready and went to sanskar's seeing them ap and dp went near them and welcomed them.....

Sanskar's frnds came and told him that swara came....he cant wait....and he just ran and went down....

When he came down he composes as if he is coming seeing shekar and shomi he went and took blessings from them....but swara s not there.....he started to search her.....she was standing there and ap is introducing them to her frnds and relatives.....

By seeing her sanskar is mesmerized....he dint take of his eyes from her.....feeling someone's gaze on her swara too saw here and there.....she noticed that sanskar s seeing seeing him she felt shy and started to blush.....

After few minutes dp announces everyone to come and all gather there to start the function.....

Then sanskar and swara came there....the engagement function starts.....ap gave the ring to sanskar and asked him to put it in swara's hand.....then sanskar slide the ring into swara's finger......then shomi gave the ring to swara....then swara slide the ring into sanskar's hands....

After that all started to clap the hands.....then they sat in the chair.....

Sanskar's frnds came there and they dedicated a dance to the couples....even swara's frnds also danced....then they all drag the couples and made them to dance.....even they made their parents to dance.....

After the dance ap and dp made the guests to take their dinner.....but sanskar is waiting to get a chance to speak to his the guests went to take dinner he find this as an opportunity and dragged swara from there to his room....

swara:sanskar what r u doing????
sanskar:princess want to talk to u....
swara:sanskar now....if anybody sees than thats it....leave me...i have to go....
sanskar:princess no one will keep quiet....

Sanskar kept his fingers in her lips and made her quiet....

sanskar:shhh princess....let me c u first....

After hearing this swara felt shy and started to blush.....

sanskar:oh gosh princess dont blush....then i cant control....
swara:Sanskar dont be shameless....
sanskar:swara u r mine...i have full rights on u k....
swara:ya sanskar i know....k leave it tell me now....
sanskar:princess u r looking very beautiful....
swara:sanskar(while blushing)....

After hearing this sanskar cant control himself...he just hugged her tightly.....they hugged for nearly 20 minutes...then they heard ap calling him....they released their hug....sanskar kissed swara's forehead and they both went down...

Both swasan ap dp shomi shekar all took their dinner...somi shekar swara bid bye to all and went to their house....sanskar told swara that he will take her to jhalong tomorrow....

Next day arrived....swara got ready and is waiting for sanskar to come....sanskar came and swara went with him to jhalong....

All went right...they were enjoying the fine day swara is going to her home from her school....that day her frnds went early bcoz it was her turn to teach the people of the after finishing it she went to her home....

While going she saw sanskar standing in the opposite side of the she try to cross the road at that time a car came in a full spead....swasan dint notice the car coming....

When she crossed the people saw the car coming and pulled swara in a force that she fall down with little hurt in her hand and legs....seeing this all start to chase the car but it went in high speed.....

Even sanskar do no what to do...he is freezed at that time...within a minute he gained his sense and took his car and chased the car....but the car went in jet speed....sanskar cant find the car....frustated sanskar went back to the place.....

He came and saw that swara got little hurt in her hands and legs....though swara s strong seeing her sanky got week....he is very sad....then he carried swara in his hands and went to his car....though swara at first protested that she will walk and come but sanskar dint allow her to walk.....

Then he took her to the house and did her first aid...he was very angry...he know that its not an accident bcoz other than him nobody has car....he is too shocked to know that who will go to this extent....

By thinking all this he did first aid and made swara sleep....he is just thinking who can harm swara....

End of 21st episode....


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