They make me do push ups in drag

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I made this edit, I am v proud of me *pats own back* nice job sofa very good

Frank  sat on his bottom bunk. The darkness of the cell surrounding him. He listened quietly as the foot steps of the guards grew closer to his cell. His eyes flickered to the side and noticed two guards standing outside of his cell.

One of them smacked his baton on the cell bars.

Iero, iero. How does it feel to have only a week to live? Hm?" Officer Wentz snickered

Pretty fucking great, faggot" frank responded

Who you call'in a faggot, iero?" Pete snarled bringing his face closer to the cell bars

Frank stood up from his bed and walked slowly to the bars. The light finally shun on his face revealing a scar that ran down his eye. He smiled at the two cops

I'm calling you a faggot,wentz. You don't actually think you and Way over here are slick right? You actually think I haven't seen you two doing gay shit? Please." Frank laughed taunting the cops just further angering them.

Pete made an attempt to reach through the bars to grab ahold of franks collar but frank pulled back

Better watch yourself wentz. I know a whole lot more than you think I do. So for your sake and Mikey's, please don't push your luck Pete.

A small look of shock passed by Pete's and Mikey's face. How did he know their names?

Before they could ask the head chief called them over  and they left just glaring at frank.

A day later and frank was sitting with buddy Bert at lunch, they watched the news on the shitty tv the prison offered.

Did you hear about the new night shift officer?" Bert said raising his eye brow at frank

No, what about him" frank said poking at his broccoli with a spoon(because forks are to dangerous in the hands of a guy like him)

Heard he's a small fella, real delicate looking" Bert sighed and leaned back in his chair

And you wanna hear the best part?"

Frank looked up from his plate and raised an eyebrow at Bert

He's Mikey's brother"

A smirk quickly spread across franks face. A wicked idea popped in his head.


Okay Gerard remember, act tough and they won't mess with you. Act tough!

Gee walked the cell halls quietly. In what world does it make sense to put newbie in the death row cells?

Gee took a gulp once he reached the death row building. His hand shook slightly but he managed to pull the big metal door open, luckily he wasn't the only one there today.

Hey you must be new! I'm Ryan the death row therapist" Ryan smiled and extended his hand to gee. Gee smiled and shook his hand

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