Tree house fuck

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Punk as fuck

Frank took a deep inhale of his cigarette waiting for Gerard to come out of his house. He looked down at his watch and rolled his eyes. What was talking this asshole so long.

Frank tapped his foot impatiently on the concrete. He flicked the ashes on the ground and stumped out the death stick. He heard a door shut behind him and he turned his head and saw Gerard.

Finally dude what the fuck took so long" frank rolled his eyes and wiped a thin layer of sweat off his brow

'M sorry man I was busy" gee shrugged and let out a small giggle. Frank raised an eyebrow at his friend noticing how his cheeks turned pink.

Busy doing what?" Frank asked pushing his sweaty wet hair off his forehead.

Don't worry about it man I-" Gerard stopped talking and squinted his eyes looking at his little brother pedaling his bike towards them.

He smiled then noticed his brother was crying. Gerard ran to him and Mikey hopped off his bike hugging Gerard tightly

What wrong Mikey?!" Gee said kissing his forehead. Mikey pulled away slightly and wiped some tears away

Those two boys over there said I liked Pete and then they pushed me down off my bike and I scraped my knee and they where chasing me" Mikey hiccuped shoving his face back on his brother stomach

Frank hating this type of shit. He felt for Mikey, he was like his little brother also and seeing the hurt and anger in gee's eyes only made it worse

Where are those kids Mikey? I wanna talk to them"


They like on the last house down the block" Mikey frowned and pointed down the street with his skinny finger

Frank quickly got in Mikey's bike and peddled away


He came to the house Mikey was talking about and sure enough he saw to kids probably three years older than Mikey playing basketball

Hey cunts!" Frank yelled getting off the bike and stomping to the kids who looked like they had just shit themselves

You think it's funny to push younger kids? I will fuck you up if you touch Mikey or say anything to him. Got it?" Frank growled getting close to the kids face.

Frank raised his fist and smirked at how the kids stared at his tattoos.

You see this? It's gonna make contact with your face if you so much look at Mikey wrong. You'll be in the fucking ground faster than you can call your mom. Now scram!" Frank yelled and stomped is foot sending the kids running to their house.

Frank smirked and was getting back on the bike when the kids dad came out.

What did you tell me kids you punk?" The man said

Frank rolled his eyes and flipped the man off with a skeleton gloved hand.

You and your kids can both go at my nuts old man. Teach your kids to not be little pricks or I'll teach time for you" frank smirked and started peddling off. The man cursed at frank yelling some shit to him.

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