Hate fuck

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"Enemy's that actually love each other"

It was like trying to get a dog and a cat to get a long.
A tiger and a lion in the same room. Two fighting dogs when they saw each other. The hatred radiated off them like toxic fumes.

Gerard looked down at his schedule. He had gym next. He rolled his eyes and muttered a 'shit' under his breath. He walked to gym with his music on full blast. He swung open the heavy green doors and stepped into the gym. There he saw a familiar face.
A face that made his blood boil and his fist immediately clench.

Frank iero.

Frank looked round trying to see if he had Pete in this class but when he looked at the door all he saw was Gerard's way's mug staring right back at him.

Frank felt the blood in his veins pump faster and go straight to his fist. He stared right back at gerard as he walked up the bleachers. Their eyes never leaving each other. Frank flipped him off and that clearly pissed Gerard off even more. It made frank happy.

The teacher quickly took roll. Frank wasn't paying attention because he was thinking of how he was going to have this class for the rest of the year with Gerard.

"Earth to the dumbass with the mohawk" gerard yelled from far away. The rest of the kids giggled and frank turned to look at Gerard.

"Mr.way! Er erm are you mr.iero?" The teacher said

Yeah" frank said then shot Gerard a dirty look. The weeks went by and the gym teacher already knew to keep these two apart. Frank walked in and he saw there was a sub, sweet. She had bangs and smiled at frank. She looked like she was in her early twenties.

Frank sat on the bleachers and didn't take her eyes off her, she looked like a snack. Gerard from far away was noticing all of this. There was a feeling in his gut he couldn't explain....

The bell rang and the lady smiled and pulled out a clipboard.

"Hello I'm your substitute for today, call me Jamia or Ms.N" she smiled. Her jet black hair flowing down to her back. Franks eyes widened a little, baby got back.

"Frank iero?" She called out

"I'm here" he smirked and shot her a wink. She smiled and took a pink tint to her cheeks. When class started she assigned partners to clean around the gym.

"Frank and Gerard will be on black mark duty" she called out.

Frank and Gerard looked at each other. Both of them thinking the same thing.


Gerard quickly got up and went up to Jamia who was being hit on by another gym teacher.

"Ms.N we don't work together-"

"Hey, do what she told you. Both you and that kid go and clean the black marks outside"



Gerard rolled his eyes and went outside to the supply closet to get a rag. He heard the gym doors slam open behind him and frank was coming at him like a bullet.

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