Are you lost too?

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Hey um so I while ago I had made a thingy for my crush and I showed my friend and she really liked it and I don't know I wanted to share it with you guys and see what you guys thought!

Are you lost too?

I saw you yet I was blind. They pointed you out and we made eye contact. You're eyes met mine for the first time and I didn't see you. You stayed there for two years and I didn't see you.

I stood alone and I saw you! I saw you for the first time and you saw me. You made my cheeks pink. Did you notice?

I lost you once more and I didn't even notice. I didn't notice till I found you again. Closer this time. I pretended you were still lost because I didn't know what would happen if I found you and didn't want to lose you.

You found me also but you didn't do nothing. Did you think I didn't notice?

I had thought I lost you for good but you popped back up. Unexpectedly you stole my eyes and now they were always on you. You're smile blinded me in the best way and that's when I knew I couldn't lose you again.

I tried not to lose you, I tried my best but you had my eyes and I didn't have yours.

Hey, do you see me? I know you do please don't lose me.

She found you and I saw her take your eyes. She took something else? Was that your heart? I wanted that. That's why I let you take my eyes.
Now that I'm checking you took something else.
Something I just noticed you took because it started hurting.

It's been a long time and you still haven't found me again. Does she own your eyes now? You still have my eyes, can I please have them back?
You haven't even bothered to find me, have you?

I lost you I lost you I lost you....or did I?
No it's you, you lost me.
You lost me because her smile blinded you.

I don't think I'll ever truly lose you now.
Your freckles and your long eyelashes.
Pink lips and pale skin.

I want to lose you.
I know that if I lose you I will find you again and the same question will be asked.

Are you lost too?


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