Bio #2: Hazel Tikal (NOT CANON)

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(As of Volume 3)

Name: Hazel Tikal
Height: 5' 8"
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Weapon: Spear with a rope attached to the tip
Semblance: Warning Visions
Hair: Long; Brown
Eyes: Green
Attire: Whatever she wants, but she seems to favor blue
Inspiration: Hazel Levesque from The Heroes of Olympus; Tikal the Echidna from Sonic the Hedgehog; Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles

Growing up without a father or siblings, Hazel Tikal and her single mother Kendra Tikal grew up in Mistral. They made just enough to survive, until the Schnee Dust Company set in.

They weren't the only ones in need of money. The Mistral government technically owned the land where Hazel's town lived and sold it to the Schnee family to build a factory. Hazel and her mother were forced to move out, bearing a grudge against the Schnees. They finally settled down near the capitol, but there weren't many openings for jobs.

Kendra had to settle with illegal gambling just to get money. It wasn't a particularly good time for the Tikals. But Kendra didn't waste all her time with gambling. If anything, she had more time with her daughter and taught her how to fight. It was a cruel world out there after all, and eventually, Hazel would have to deal with it.

Then Kendra hit a stroke of good luck. She made a jackpot gamble and won. With the earnings she got, she gave Hazel her seventeenth birthday gift: Hazel could go to any school she wanted. Wanting to explore new places for a change, Hazel requested Beacon. As a second birthday gift, Kendra gave Hazel her spear, telling her that she'll always be with her. Though it was tough, Hazel was accepted and shipped off, waving goodbye to her mom, promising to write.

After the Battle of Beacon, Hazel took a plane back to Mistral to return to her mom. That is where she currently resides.

Ruby Rose: While they don't interact all that much, Hazel does find Ruby adorable, but can't help but feel empathy for her and Yang, since they grew up without knowing their real mothers, just as Hazel grew up without knowing her father.

Weiss Schnee: Now this is a different story altogether. Due to the Schnee family kicking her out of her hometown, Hazel very much dislikes Weiss, and the feeling was mutual. Though after talking (mostly arguing), the two still dislike each other, though not quite as much as before. Their bickering became more humorous than concerning.

Blake Belladonna: Her friendship with Blake is close to nonexistent. The only reason they are friends is because they hang out with the same people.

Yang Xiao Long: This friendship is sort of a combination of Hazel's friendships with Ruby and Blake. Though Yang was jealous of Hazel for a time, since Hazel was physically closer to Skyler than Yang was most of the time.

Skyler Yin: When she got to know Skyler, she couldn't help but be fascinated by him. He hoped to be a Huntsman for such noble causes, which was such a new concept for Hazel. And the fact that he's her leader and partner meant they had to be close friends.

Dante Williams: Hazel began crushing on Dante almost instantly. He was so carefree, not to mention a bit crazy, and his personality wasn't like anyone she'd ever met (until Nora came in, but she's another level of crazy). He always seemed to brighten up her spirits when he talked to her. When he asked her to the dance, Hazel had to restrain herself from going nuts.

Walker Elliot: While Walker was the teammate she was the least closest to, they still more than acknowledged each other. When Skyler and Dante have a day to themselves, she and Walker have a bit of fun by sparring.

Jaune Arc: While she didn't really like Jaune at first due to his fake suave, the blonde grew on her. He gained her respect when she heard that he took down an Ursa Major, and she'd be lying if she hadn't smiled at the idea of him and Pyrrha getting together.

Nora Valkyrie: For a while, Hazel was jealous of Nora because of Dante. She didn't like how close they were, but couldn't find herself not liking Nora. The maniac was just too lovable.

Pyrrha Nikos: Hazel rarely talked to Pyrrha, and she wasn't sure if that was because they weren't as close, or the fact that Pyrrha was world-famous.

Lie Ren: With Ren being the quiet guy he is, Hazel doesn't really have that much of knowledge on him, other than him being Nora's best friend. She ships Renora so hard, simply for the sake of getting Nora away from Dante.

She doesn't like them. Moving on again!

Coco Adel: Hazel wasn't too surprised when she heard Walker was dating this girl. She saw the heart eyes he got when he first saw Coco in action. Coco was awesome and the fact that she was dating one of Hazel's teammates was mind-blowing.

Fox Alistair: Hazel didn't really know what to make of Fox. He seemed like Ren, except Hazel knew even less about him.

Velvet Scarlatina: Unlike her leader, Hazel always saw Velvet as a helpless girl, always subject to CRDL's torture. Hazel liked her well enough, but really only saw her as a damsel in distress.

Yatsuhashi Daichi: Yatsu was a big softie to Hazel. She didn't know him too well, but he seemed pretty protective of his teammates, especially Velvet. She admired that about him.

Nathan Bourbon: Hazel wasn't sure what to think about EBNE's mysterious leader. He seemed nice enough, but the looks Skyler and Dante gave him told her a different story. She just decided to shrug him off until she learned more later.

Brittany Lilith: Hazel doesn't like Brittany. At all. With Brittany constantly hitting on the guys, which included Dante, it came as no surprise. Hazel's only consolation was that Brittany always acted like this, and Dante was creeped out by her.

Edward: Not gonna lie, she was ready to hate Edward after what he did to Dante. But once she understood why he did it, she couldn't find it in her. He looked big, but he seemed to secretly be a big softie, like Yatsu.

Elizabeth Malacraft: Elizabeth is probably the only one on Team EBNE that Hazel never had a problem with. She was cute and shy, but determined. Hazel liked her guts.

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