More Rose "Bloodmane" Greymalk Information

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Gonna be completely honest, I didn't know if I was gonna get more information on Rose from viperBreak or not, but, out of the blue, here she comes with more info on Bloodmane! Not sure how much of this is redundant, considering I'm just copy/pasting from the file she sent me, but whatever.
Rose (can be associated with red, white, silver, or black, though officially is classified as red) "Bloodmane" Greymalk: albino lynx Faunus.

Very scruffy pixie cut with fringe dyed blood-red at the front. Lynx ears are dyed red at the tufts of hair at the tips. Small and slight in stature. Uses hooked wolf-bone daggers (specialized in ripping and disemboweling more than stabbing) that she keeps sheathed at her hips; these can be loaded with Dust cartridges in the handles or laced with poison for increased effectiveness. Also keeps several poisons and their antidotes on hand. Attire is typically a slim-fitting gray vest and red sleeveless undershirt with slim white pants, black buckled boots reaching her knees, and a dark gray belt.

Called Bloodmane for her tendencies to attack heads and rip scalps, particularly when punishing those she claims have committed unforgivable crimes (rape, murder, child abuse/neglect/rape, etc.), particularly against those of Faunus; also infamous for the public performing of a blood-eagle execution on a man who had raped and murdered several Faunus and had been ignored by human officials. Known for thievery and also known for being one of few Faunus actively helping other Faunus and not being associated with the White Fang. Often called a thief, a mercenary, and a vigilante for such reasons, though she prefers to go by a simple Lawful Neutral status or prefers not to label herself at all. Adores children and babies despite her apathetic "tsundere" nature.

Family: consisted of a former bandit fox Faunus father (silver dog-fox) and a retired wolf bounty hunter mother (red timber wolf). Born in Vacuo. Older twin brothers were fox Faunus like their father. Mother disappeared mysteriously when Rose was still young and not long afterward the den was stormed by bounty hunters after her father. Rose was the only one to escape the onslaught, and she later relocated to Vale, where she was accepted into Beacon a year early despite having no formal training prior.

Teammates (Team RKLY (Rackley), a shade of sharp blue):

Kombu (shade of dark green) Thai: tall, long-limbed Asian with blond hair and dark green eyes. Used a bo-staff-sniper-rifle.

Limerick (shade similar to olive green) Davis: stout and well-muscled dark-skinned man with gray eyes. Uses brass-knuckle-gauntlets.

Yankee (dark navy blue) Himmel: slim, slender, pale-skinned young man with gray hair and dark blue eyes. Uses a sword-rifle.

The beginnings of Team RKLY can only best be described as the wreck of a bus going down at a straight 90-degree angle. Kombu and Limerick were both extremely discomforted at the notion of someone not only female, but younger than should be permitted at Beacon and with no formal training, would be their team's leader, as well as the fact that said leader would be a Faunus, as members of both their families had been killed by members of the White Fang acting out. Yankee had no such negative perceptions and tended to get along best with Rose due to a lack of bias.

Though the four were more often than not at odds with each other, they worked well together as a team despite their biases and histories, but it took the untimely death of Kombu during a mission for the prejudices to finally be settled once and for all and the team split apart after two years together. Yankee and Limerick still attended Beacon Academy, while Rose has long since left and gone off on her own.

The whereabouts of her and her remaining teammates are unknown.

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