Incorrect Quotes Part 4

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I suppose you could call these incorrect quotes our own version of RWBY Chibi... Also, I wanted to release this after I completed Team SHDW Volume 2, but this chapter just kept piling up... so I plan to release a part 5 after Volume 2 instead. I hope you enjoy over 10000 words of Incorrect Quotes!

Also, there might be some spoilers for future events, but that's for you to decipher.
Prison Guard #1: What's that sound?

Prison Guard #2: Edward is punching his way through the wall of his cell.

Guard #1: What?! Shouldn't we be stopping him?

Guard #2: You want to go confront the guy who is literally punching his way out of maximum security? Be my guest.
Caitlin: *tries to fall asleep with the sound of the pouring rain outside* Aaah, oh yeah, nothing better than a natural lullaby to sleep peacefully in my bed and dream of a wonderful alternative univers-

Nature: *thunder chrashes dangerously close by with a terrifying echo*

Caitlin: *hiding under the covers and trembling like a leaf* Actually, never mind.
Felix: You remind me of the ocean.

Scarlett: Why the ocean?

Felix: Because you're salty and you scare people.
Taven: *jumps onto Sapphire's bed, next to Sapphire* Sapphire, I don't like your name.

Sapphire: What?

Taven: Particularly your last name. I think you should change it.

Sapphire: I hate my real last name anyway. What should I change it to, again?

Taven: Elysian.

Taven: *jumps out of bed and dashes out of the dorm*

Sapphire: *blushing heavily* D-did you just propose to me?!

Sapphire: *chasing after Taven* TAVEN, GET BACK HERE!!!
Dante: I hope you go bald!

Rin: I hope they cancel Oprah!

Tara: I'm cold.

Insane!Borvine: You should kiss me to warm up.

Tara: I take it back, I'd rather freeze.
Michelle: Look, let's just agree to say "I'm sorry" on a count of three. One... two... three.



Michelle: See, now I'm just disappointed in the both of us.
Taven: Sapphire, what would you do if I howled like a wolf during sex?

Sapphire: What do you mean, "if"? You literally just did that. Like, not even five minutes ago.
Hannibal: Team BNSH won, fair and square... even Pamela admits it.

Tara: Where is Pamela by the way?

Michelle: Still in the showers. We think she's trying to drown herself.
Skyler: I have no fears.

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