Bio #4: Walker Elliot (NOT CANON)

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(As of Volume 3)

Name: Walker Elliot
Height: 5' 11"
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Weapon: Sword-Whip
Semblance: Air Manipulation
Hair: Thin; Smooth; Black
Eyes: Brown
Attire: Mostly black and very dark grey

The most reclusive of the team, Walker Elliot seems like he really doesn't have a place on the team. But he acts as more as the glue that holds the team together. If he wasn't there, the team may not be able to work as effectively as they could now.

If there was such thing as a walking miracle, it was Walker. Before he was born, the doctor told Jonathan and Bethany Elliot that they were having twins, but there was a problem. Something was wrong, and nobody expected the twins to survive. After many extensive treatments, the babies were delivered, but the doctor's expected the babies to only have a few minutes before they died.

But by some miracle, they didn't. The first baby, Walker, was scanned and nothing was really that wrong. The second baby, Samantha, was a different case. While she did survive, she was mentally and physically impaired, meaning she would remain a child-like behavior and never be able to walk.

As both kids grew up, Walker excelled in everything he did, whether it be grades or physical abilities. He even attended Signal Academy for an extra year, making sure he was ready for Beacon. He graduated from Signal at the top of his class, and is the oldest of the first-year students. Though he was reluctant to leave his helpless sister, his parents wanted what was best for him, encouraging him to go to Beacon.

After the Battle of Beacon, Walker was last seen with Team CFVY, but his current whereabouts are unknown.

Ruby Rose: Though he was unimpressed by Ruby due to her young age, all those doubts were erased when she took out that giant Nevermore. He likes to envision Ruby as what Samantha could have been.

Weiss Schnee: Weiss was annoying to him at first. She nagged constantly, and her treatment of Ruby on the first day got on his last nerve. But she grew better, and Walker began to tolerate her.

Blake Belladonna: Blake was someone he could somewhat relate to. They got along well, due to both of them being more reclusive than their teammates. They've remained good friends, but Walker would be lying if a few "what if?" scenarios hadn't crossed his mind at points.

Yang Xiao Long: Even though their personalities were very different, Walker found that he and Yang had something in common: They were protective of their sister. Though Yang's was a different case entirely, Walker connected with her on that kind of level.

Skyler Yin: Walker respects Skyler as a leader and friend. While he did sorta expect a bit more after Dante's ramblings about him, he wasn't all too unimpressed. After all, they had some deadly team attacks.

Hazel Tikal: While unimpressed by her at first, after their first real fight together, Walker came to respect her and saw why she was accepted into Beacon. He likes to compare with an old saying: "Greatness from small beginnings".

Dante Williams: When around Dante, Walker couldn't help but feel... alive. From the moment they accidentally angered that Goliath, Walker wondered if this was what best friends did: Get themselves in trouble together. So far, Dante's the closest male friend he has.

Jaune Arc: Walker has respect for Jaune, admiring his growth as a leader. Sure, he was a dork, but could definitely see why Pyrrha has a crush on Jaune.

Nora Valkyrie: Walker wasn't sure how to feel about Nora. Weirded out was one possibility, but she was pretty cool and powerful.

Pyrrha Nikos: Growing up in Signal, he heard all about Pyrrha, and aspired to be like her. Brave, confident, powerful, etc. He didn't expect a humble, nervous mess. She kept her cool just fine, but if you have your first conversation with her, things are likely to start out rough, which is what happened with Walker.

Lie Ren: Walker compared himself to Ren numerous times. They were both pretty quiet, but Walker compared Ren to a ninja more than himself.

You get the picture, right?

Coco Adel: Walker has always been in awe of Coco, even before first meeting her. When they started seeing each other, he couldn't help but fall for her. She was powerful, beautiful, had a sassy personality, and cared a lot about her team.

Fox Alistair: Walker considers Fox as a good friend, despite not knowing much about him. Fox is a pretty quiet guy.

Velvet Scarlatina: Walker was more on the fence about Velvet. While Coco has told him that the rabbit Faunus is tougher than she looks, Walker has yet to see what Velvet is really made of. He likes her just fine, but doesn't like that she can't stand up for herself when being picked on.

Yatsuhashi Daichi: If there was someone to be feared, it was Yatsu. When Walker and Coco started dating and everyone learned of it, Yatsu was the one to give the warning. Walker's a nervous wreck when the guy is around.

Nathan Bourbon: Walker couldn't help but get the vibe that Nathan was a lot like him in a way. But unlike Nathan, Walker had a sense of humor.

Brittany Lilith: Even without Dante and Skyler's warnings, Walker got an uncomfortable vibe about Brittany. Her flirtatious nature just made him get shivers.

Edward: While Skyler and Dante feared this giant, Walker was intrigued by him. Why didn't he have a last name? Where did he come from? Why was he so protective of Elizabeth? Questions piled up in his head about Edward. Who was he?

Elizabeth Malacraft: If Ruby didn't fill the roll as what Walker envisioned what Samantha could've been, Elizabeth was it. Though he didn't know much about her, he couldn't help but like Elizabeth.

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