Updated STAR Bios

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(These bios cover how the team is after Team SHDW Volume 2)

Team Theme Song: Warriors (Imagine Dragons)

Name: Sapphire Saber-Drey
Height: 6' 1"
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Weapon: Fukushū; Double-edged sword with an energy reactor that powers up her slashes to exponential levels depending on how much electrical energy is stored in it
Semblance: Dynamokinesis; She can absorb any kind of electrical energy to power up herself, others, or her sword.
Hair: Middle length; Blonde with blue highlights
Eyes: Blue
Attire: White shirt with blue highlights; light blue pants; blue tattered cloak (though she only wears it when she feels the need for dramatic effect)
Inspiration: Atalanta (Greek Mythology)
Status: Salty, and extremely wanted by Atlas
Theme Song: Undefeated (Skillet)
Fun Fact: She tried to eat a battery when she was five. And that's how she discovered her Semblance.

Name: Taven Elysian
Height: 6'
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Faunus (Wolf; tail)
Weapon: Yasui & Desu; Wrist-mounted gun-gauntlets with an energy storage core
Semblance: Recharge; He can touch any kind of dead electronic appliance and instantly reenergize it. He mostly uses it on Desu so he effectively never runs out of bullets until he's out of Aura.
Hair: Thick; Messy; Dark blue
Eyes: Red
Attire: Blue shirt; dark green pants
Inspiration: Tyr (Norse Mythology)
Status: Being a confused boyfriend
Theme Song: Feel Invincible (Skillet)
Fun Fact: Despite once being on the verge of proposing to Sapphire, he's never actually introduced her to his parents. Even though he knows he really shouldn't, he couldn't help but feel like it would be a requirement.

Name: Axel Coving
Height: 6' 2"
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Weapon: Furīzu; Spear-shield powered by Ice Dust
Semblance: Flash Freeze; Anything Axel touches will begin to freeze in his hand. Further training has revealed that the temperature his Semblance exudes can drop all the way down to absolute zero. And though he actually can push it further, he only did that once before getting warned that if he did it again, he was gonna lose one of his hands. It also works in tangent to Ice Dust, which is half the reason why his weapon works as well as it does.
Hair: Thick; Slightly spiked; Gray
Eyes: Light blue
Attire: Blue shirt; white pants
Inspiration: Diarmuid Ua Duibhne (Celtic Mythology)
Status: Kinda befuddled by what just happened
Theme Song: I Walk the Line (Halsey)
Fun Fact: He sometimes wonders if his own carefree personality is genuine, or if he's kept up that persona for so long that he became it.

Name: Rin Tikal
Height: 6'
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Faunus (Komodo Dragon; scales)
Weapon: Yaban & Hito; Twin sabers with jagged edges.
Semblance: Terrakinesis; This Semblance allows Rin to manipulate the terrain around her (in a radius of 20 feet) in nearly any way. But once that terrain is created, it will remain that way for only five minutes, and she cannot change it again before that time limit is up. It's also a big Aura waster.
Hair: Short; Brown
Eyes: Slanted; Green
Attire: Black shirt with white and red highlights; black pants
Inspiration: Conan the Barbarian (The Conan book series)
Status: I HAVE A SISTER?!?!
Theme Song: Control (Halsey)
Fun Fact: Before she attended Haven, she was once tied up to a stake by angered bandits, ready to burn her alive. All she did was whistle "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" before getting free and killing everybody.

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