Bio #6: Sapphire Drey

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(As of Volume 4)

Name: Sapphire Drey
Height: 6' 1"
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Weapon: Double-edged sword with an energy reactor
Semblance: Energy Absorption
Hair: Middle length; Blonde with blue highlights
Eyes: Blue
Attire: Black pants, black shirt, and a blue, tattered cloak (though she only wears it when she feels the need for dramatic effect)
Inspiration: Ryuko Matoi from Kill la Kill; Saber from Fate/Zero & the Fate/Stay Night series

Sapphire Drey was born in Atlas into a rich family, but was raised in Mistral by one of her maids. More on that in a second. She is kind, but strict when she needs to be. She cares about every one of her teammates and constantly scans them in the middle of battle, but if triggered, she sees red and can't focus on anything else other than what triggered her.

As said before, she was born in Atlas and raised in Mistral. She was born in a very prestigious family, but was neglected and somewhat abused in her childhood. It wasn't too horrible, but being ignored wasn't much of a comfort. One of her maids, Lucille Drey, had finally had enough of her superiors' behavior towards the young girl. Lucille took Sapphire and escaped to Mistral, raising her there like she was her own daughter. Sapphire freely took Lucille's last name.

Sapphire doesn't remember much about her childhood other than the neglect, but she does remember having an older sister, but no specific details come to mind. All she did remember was her name and face. And as much as she'd love to forget her own real last name, she can't. She looks forward to the day she can confront her birth parents and sister. And since her sister's made quite a name for herself, Sapphire expects to see her first.

Her Semblance, Energy Absorption, allows her to absorb any kind of natural or unnatural forms of energy and do one of three things: add the energy to her own power to boost her physical abilities, use the energy to self heal, or transfer the energy into her sword's energy reactor. However, she must consciously make the decision to absorb energy, otherwise, she could be harmed just like any other person.

Her weapon's reactor stores energy given to it by Sapphire. While not the most effective weapon on its own, once given energy, the power of its strikes increases immensely. For example, when at 50% power, one slice can cut through a Goliath Grimm with ease. So just imagine what it could do at full power.

At first, Sapphire's kind and carefree attitude was a facade to mask the animosity she felt towards her birth family, but soon, that facade became reality. However, that was all behind closed doors. Her team helped her without them realizing it. She hasn't told them of her origins and doesn't want to, but she feels incredibly guilty for keeping that secret from them, especially her boyfriend.

Taven Elysian: Taven is said boyfriend. The two of them got together sophomore year at Haven, much to the relief of their teammates, who were sick of the two being increasingly unaware of the other's feelings. However, what made the two work so well together more than anything was their main battle strategy.

Axel Coving: While finding Axel a bit cold at first (pun not intended), the two were forced to work together when the two were separated from Taven and Rin in a cave collapse. The two bonded over their need to survive until help came. While the two don't mingle when it comes to battling, they communicate more efficiently.

Rin: While not that close with Rin, Sapphire respects her skills, as well as privacy. She doesn't know any of Rin's origins, but Sapphire has never pried, considering her team didn't know of her origins either. The two work very effectively together in a fight, and their swordplay is a deadly combination.

Rose Greymalk: Sapphire has only met this girl once in her time at Haven, and it was on a mission. Rose got on her last nerve. But she had to give credit where credit is due. Bloodmane was a powerful warrior.

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