Short Story: The Original Grimm

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Kind of a Halloween special, even though I'm releasing Michael vs. Jason in My Death Battles as a Halloween special... but hey, who's gonna complain about two Halloween specials? I figured that I might as well. It's one of my favorite holidays after all.
Before the events of everything

In the beginning, there was creation. The two brother gods were in an everlasting battle, creating forces of nature to contrast with one another. The older brother was the creation deity, creating things such as plant and animal life. The younger brother was the destruction deity, creating things such as natural disasters and carnivorous life. However, the younger brother discovered that no matter what or how much he destroyed, his brother's created life still prevailed. So he created what he considered his masterpiece.

He created five creatures, similar yet different to his brother's animals. The first was a colossal bird, black smoke billowing off it as if it were like his previously created wildfires. He had called it the Phoenix, and it took to the skies. Whilst in the air, a few puffs of black smoke would occasionally break off completely, and new creatures were created, including what would be known as Nevermores. They terrorized the sky, preying on the regular birds in the air.

His second creature was his experiment to try to outdo himself. Its appearance was that of one of his older brother's reptiles, only this one, like the Phoenix, was massive and had wings. In its mouth were rows upon rows of sharp teeth. The younger brother called this one the Dragon. Out of its belly dropped black ooze, which formed into more creatures, again similar to its predecessor, though these creatures roamed the land, known today as Ursa, Beowolves, and other land monsters, and attacked the animals of the land.

The third monster was placed in the sea. After realizing he had both land and sky dominated, the god decided to gather oceanic dominance as well. It was a very large squid, who the brother lovingly called the Kraken. It occasionally spurted out the black ooze from its underside and created more sea monsters. Together, this new monster and its underlings preyed upon the world's aquatic life.

The fourth creature was created when the younger god had come to the thought that there was no such thing as overkill. So within the ground, he created what appeared to be a motionless statue, somewhat resembling that of a meditating gorilla, and he called it the Golem. Black smoke oozed out of its body as well, creating subterranean monsters, such as what are known now as Creeps. They helped finish off what was left of the planet to conquer.

The fifth and final monster, for now at least, was formed when the destruction deity decided to get creative. Unlike the others, it could not create new monsters, but its own unique abilities made up for it. It was a large reptilian, though not quite as dwarfing in size like the rest. Its head was similar to the Dragon's, only smaller, and the neck was stretched for about ten feet. The destruction god even gave it a different ability, and even though he doubted it would be used, he still felt was creative. He called it the Hydra.

And with that, the now tired god looked upon his creations with pride, calling them all under one name: the creatures of Grimm. Unfortunately, it was then that his brother called for a truce. At first, the younger brother was skeptical, thinking that this was his older sibling's way of giving up. Then, the creation deity showed his brother his own project, one that he thought would end their feud. But the younger brother knew his brother's kind heart. He knew that his older sibling had originally planned on using this project to combat his own masterpieces, and had changed his mind, thinking that their bitter rivalry would end.

Humanity. Together, the creation god had explained, the two brothers could create beings that could choose their own path, not set to it by their creators. Complete and absolute independent thought. The younger brother was... well, if he was being completely honest, intrigued. It was an interesting endeavor. Perhaps it would be a little fun. And thus, they set to work. Creating such things as Aura and Semblances, making unique characteristics for each one. It was certainly one of the most unique endeavors the younger god had gone through.

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