Bio #7: Taven Elysian

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(As of Volume 4)

Name: Taven Elysian
Height: 6'
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Faunus (Wolf; tail)
Weapon: Wrist-mounted gun-gauntlets with an energy storage core
Semblance: Recharge
Hair: Thick; Messy; Dark blue
Eyes: Red
Attire: Green shirt and blue pants
Inspiration: Taven from Mortal Kombat

Taven Elysian is as opposite a Mistralian as you can get. He hates anything perceived as illegal or harmful for his health. However, that doesn't mean he lacks a dark side. Should anything harm his team, especially Sapphire, he will show no mercy to the assailant. And look pretty scary while doing it.

Growing up, his mother and father ran an underground drug cartel, and weren't around very often. And when they were, things weren't pleasant. This rough childhood is most likely the reason why Taven despises all things illegal. However, being the son of a drug cartel boss at least had some perks. Through this underground, he's able to gather information the higher ups won't give.

His Semblance, Recharge, works in tangent with his weapon, which in turn created his and Sapphire's battle strategy. His wrist-mounted gauntlets fire off pure energy projectiles, fueled by an energy storage core strapped to his back. Should that core run low on energy, he just uses his Semblance to refuel it instantly. Of course, he can only use this ability a limited amount of times before his Aura runs out. But it's this ability that harbored his and Sapphire's main tactic.

Due to her Semblance, she can absorb the energy from the core to heal or power up. And then he can just recharge. He's basically Sapphire's own personal medic/supporter. It's a tactic everyone at Haven who has fought them is sick of. Because it works. The two are practically unstoppable. So far, at least.

Sapphire Drey: Taven calls being partnered up with Sapphire as a stroke of good luck. For both the fact that their weapons and Semblances matched up so well, and the fact that he had a crush on her. He thanked whatever gods above that she felt the same way. Though he couldn't help but get the suspicion that she was hiding something from him.

Axel Coving: Taven and Axel became best friends almost instantly, which was pretty unusual for a guy like Axel. Perhaps Taven's dislike for illegal actions had something to do with it.

Rin: Of the team, Taven is the least curious about Rin's origins. Though he did ask about her last name at one point. The two communicate efficiently, but are the weakest tag team.

Rose Greymalk: Taven has a similar opinion to Sapphire's about Rose. While she is powerful, Taven doesn't think someone that annoying should wield that kind of power. But at least she seems levelheaded.

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