Incorrect Quotes Part 1

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Just saying, this idea went from me just making a few of these for the fun of it, to me and H20FLAME making a ton of them because they were the best things in the world. So, I have taken the liberty of copying what we came up and pasting them here, simply because I feel like I should share the joy we got out of this stuff.

The people and teams that I will include are as follows: all canon people and teams, SHDW, EBNE, ABIS, Rose, ASTC, ACID, STAR, BNSH, and PHTM. If you want to know about SHDW, Rose, ASTC, STAR, and PHTM, you're already in the correct book to learn. If you want to know more about EBNE, ABIS, ACID, and BNSH, go check out H20FLAME and his RWBY info book. But without further ado, here's some incorrect quotes!
Walker: You know what, Dante? You're actually pretty cool.

Dante: The cooliest?

Walker: Don't ruin it.
Brittany: In 20 years, I can guarantee you that I will be Nathan's second wife.

Nathan: What happened to the first?

Brittany: Nothing you can prove.
Beowulf: I win!

Artoria: But I have you pinned to the ground.

Beowulf: Exactly.
"Dear Diary, today in class I was voted 'most likely to die an early death'. I think I'm finally starting to fit in!"

~Austin, probably
Akira: I don't get paid enough for this.

Isabella: Enough for what?

Akira: *gestures to everything*
Taven: On the off chance Plan A fails, we go with Plan B.

Sapphire: What's Plan B?

Taven: Run and hope I can come up with a Plan C.
Nefera: Are you feeling ok, Sora?

Sora: Well, I've got this headache that sort of comes and goes.

Sora: It appears to be back.

Michelle: Hi.
Rin: Did you hear that? It sounded like... despair.

Axel: It's probably me.

Rin: No, no, not bitterness. Despair.
"Let's start wearing cloaks and swords again. It's time."

~Sapphire to Artoria, probably
"It's amazing how fast your mood can change when someone deliberately sets you on fire."

~Insane!Borvine, probably
Edward: Why won't you die?!

Skyler: Plot armor protects me, sucka!
Pamela: When I need your advice, I'll give you the special signal.

Nefera: Which is...?

Pamela: Me being sectioned under the freaking Mental Health Act.
Hazel: Wait, did you just flirt with me?

Dante: Have been for the past year, but thanks for noticing.
Sora: Why would you want to save Haven?

Sapphire: Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!
Skyler: If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous.

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