Chapter Seven~*

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1- Jeff

Jamie's words seem to hang in the air. I feel my chest close and the only thing that registers in my mind is that she mentioned Slender's name in that sentence. Anger and hatred fills my chest and, blinded by the intensity of these feelings, I move forward and punch Slender right in the face. He stumbles back but doesn't fall. I growl and throw myself at him but Masky and Hoodie grab me by the arms, holding me back.

"Jeff, you didn't let me finish." Jamie shouts and runs to me. I look at her and feel the anger cool down a little but it's still there.

"Then finish." I snarl.

"Okay." She looks around at everyone. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Ben walk in. "But let's do it somewhere more private."

"Just tell him." Slender mutters and looks around.

"Don't you talk to her!" I snarl and lunge at him again.

"Fine! Fine." She takes a deep breath and begins.

1- Jamie

"I didn't want to go. But, you see, I had to go. Slender didn't want me to go either. I had to leave to protect both of us."

"I can keep us safe. Jamie, no one can hurt us." Jeff growls and attempts to pull out of Masky and Hoodie's grip.

"Yes, that's true, but not against this guy." He stops struggling and looks at me.

"What do you mean? Who made you leave?" He asks, the most calm I've seen him since Slender walked in.

I step to him and cup his face in my hands. "It's someone neither of us can defeat." After those words, I see fear in his eyes. "It was-"

"Zalgo." Slender finishes for me. "Zalgo came to me on the day we brought her back after she killed that lady."

I don't look from Jeff as he nods in understanding. "Is that why you walked in right away after I rang the bell?" He questions.

"Yes. He stopped me and told me that once I thought Jamie was strong enough I would have to send her off. But we weren't allowed to tell you and she had to leave otherwise he would have killed you both. I'm sorry, Jeff."

He nods in understanding and finally Hoodie and Masky let him go. He stands and looks from me to Slender.

"But why would he do that? What did he get out of sending her away?" Jeff asks.

"Jeff, I think we both know why. He didn't want another accident to happen." Slender answers.

Confusion fills my head. "Wait, why didn't you tell me that? You just said I have to leave. That's it. Just, leave because Zalgo. What's all this about an accident?" I step forward.

"You didn't tell her?" Slender looks over at Jeff.

"I never got to it." Jeff's entire demeanor changes. His shoulder's stiffen and his jaw tightens. A desperate, sad look wages over his face. "It's just, when I younger I learned that not even CreepyPastas are immortal."

"Oh." I step back and look awkwardly around.

"It's okay." Jeff pats my back.

"No, it's not." We all look to Slender. "Jamie, you weren't supposed to come back so soon. You were supposed to stay away for four years. But you only started away for a little more than two. That's a problem."

I smirk, finally knowing the answer to something. "Actually, there is no problem. Zalgo visited me a day or two before Darcy and said I was free to go."

"Then what took you so long to come back?" Gold suddenly asks.

I grin savagely. "I was about to head out when Darcy came. When I saw her I just knew I had to pay a game with you all. I just didn't think I would hurt her so badly."

"Wow, you're evil." LJ grins and I shrug.

"I'm here for a reason, you know." He smiles at me and I smile back.

2- Jeff

I'm back in my room with Jamie and Gold. She's lying on the bed watching me and Gold play. Of course, Gold is killing me but I'm just doing it to entertain Jamie. If I had the choice, I would have her to myself for awhile. There's a sudden knock at the door and Jamie gets it.

"Gabriel?" I hear her say in a surprised voice.

I glance over but the game demands my immediate attention. I hear a small shriek from Jamie and I drop the controller. I turn and see Gabriel with his hands all over Jamie. Jamie is fighting him off but I can tell she's trying not to hurt him. He pulls her to him and kisses her. I feel such a strong feeling of hatred and I jump up.

"Jeff, no!" Jamie pushes him off and holds out a hand to stop me. "He's drunk. Don't hurt him."

I grab her and pull her behind me. She grabs at my jacket but I push her into Gold's arms. When I know she's secure, I turn on Gabriel. He grins stupidly at me and more anger fills me.

"Jamie is mine." He says and smiles wider.

I growl, grab his shirt and push him to the wall. He laughs and I punch him. Blood trickles from his mouth and I can see anger in his eyes. He tries to push me away but I press harder.

"Shut the hell up." I lean into his ear and whisper, "And if she's anyone's, she's mine."

He looks at me and I can see the pure anger in his eyes. He pushes up but I grip tighter. He glares more and I feel a small hand grip my shoulder.

"Jeff, just stop." I turn and look at Jamie. "I'm just as mad as you but he's drunk. Wait until he's sober to fight him. Do you really want to fight a drunk guy?"

I look from her back to Gabriel. "Fine." I release him and he leaves.

"I'll kill him." I growl and glare at the door.

2- Jamie

I look at Jeff. I don't think I've ever seen him so worked up over one small thing. I can't help but wonder what has happened to him in the last two year's I was gone. I grab his hand and turn him to me. His eyes are full of the feeling and I just know he's going to have to kill soon. I look to Gold and he nods in understanding and leaves.

"Jeff," I begin as Gold closes the door behind him. "Would you like to go on our first killing spree together again?"

He grins crazily. "I thought you would never ask."

I smile back at him and nod. Better now than later. "Let's go."


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