Chapter Twenty Seven~*

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1- Jamie

Despite being emotionally drained, I still go to my training that night. Gold stops me at the door and practically begs me not to go.

"Jamie, please, any day, just not today! You need to rest." He gets a tight hold on my hand and looks into my eyes.

"I'm fine," I insist. I had just left after explaining to Jeff why I had to go. I don't want to waste more time explaining it all to Gold. I know they're both acting with my best interests at heart, but right now, I need to get to training.

"Oh, yeah, because puffy, swollen eyes, flushed cheeks and trembling hands is totally fine." My eyes widen. "You're not fine. Just stay here. I'm sure Slender would understand."

"No, he won't." EJ comes out from the living room. He doesn't have a mask on and his brown hair is all over the place.

I stare at him in wonder. This is the first time I've ever seen him without a mask. I never expected his face to look so . . . human. Despite the gray skin, he looks like a normal teenage boy. Even his empty eyes don't look too bad. He looks at me with no expression and a slight shiver goes down my back. Eyeless Jack and Slenderman have always been close so if anyone would understand him, it would be EJ.

EJ leans against the wall by the living room. I notice the living room is dark and empty, but that's where he must have been. I'm sure I didn't see him when I was coming down the stairs. Now that I think about it, he's been in the living room a lot lately. Every time I walk down to leave or even when I'm coming back, I notice him, standing just inside the living room, watching me. I don't know him very well so I don't understand why he would be watching me. We don't have a connection. As a matter of fact, I don't know anything about him. All I know is his name.

"You don't know that," Gold says.

"Actually, I do. I know Slender better than anyone else here." His attention turns back to me. "But don't leave just yet, Jamie. If you don't show up soon, he'll have to come back. I've been trying to ask him something but he's been avoiding me. He always blinks out instead of walking out the door. He's so damn annoying sometimes."

"Uhm," I step back. I've never seen him mad or cuss. I had always heard that he was a really nice guy. "Okay? So I wait here?"

"Yes. He'll be here any minute."

I nod slightly. Gold is still standing beside me and I notice he's fidgeting.

"Jamie," he whispers. "I still think this is a bad idea. Please, don't go."

"I have to." I reply. "I need to get stronger. This is the only way."

"No it's not. Why do you think like that? Being strong isn't everything. I mean, I'm not the strongest but I'm still a good Pasta." He protests.

"Yeah, but you're a video game Pasta. You guys aren't exactly like us. Most of you don't even kill. Your intention is to drive a person insane and stuff."

Gold looks slightly offended but I don't take back my words.

"Yeah, but still. You're already really strong."

I smile. "Thank you for thinking that way, but I'm not strong enough. I need to get stronger."

Suddenly, Gold slams his fist into the wall right by my face. I stumble away from in surprise. His eyes are narrowed with fury and he's breathing heavily. Gold has never lost his temper like this.

EJ is looking at us again but when he catches my eye, he looks away.

"Shut the fuck up, Jamie." My eyes widen to the size of plates. Gold has never cussed before.

"Just shut up! You think being strong is the only important thing but have you ever stopped to ask what we think? Have you ever stopped to consider how this is affecting the people who care about you? I bet you didn't know that I stay up every night, looking at the front door from the staircase, praying to a God I don't believe in that you'd come back safe." He stops to take a deep breath before continuing. "Does your mother even know what your doing?"

My mouth drops open. I turn my head from him so he won't see the regret in my eyes but he knows me too well.

"Gold, I-"

"Don't you start talking! I can't believe you don't even care enough to tell your mom! You could die any night and your mother doesn't even know." He lets out a frustrated sound.

"I don't want her to worry!" I protest weakly.

"Oh, yeah, good excuse," he snarls.

I'm taken aback by his tone. In all the time I've known him, I don't think I've ever seen him like this. It's almost scary. I'm about to say something else when I'm cut off.

"Hey, lay off her, Gold. This is her decision. She's a big girl. She can think for herself." Jeff says, walking down the stairs.

Gold glares at him and, for a second, his eyes burn a bright red. That's a bad sign. He must be getting so angry, he's losing control over the charm that allows him to look normal.

"How can you be okay with this? Don't you love Jamie?" Jeff flinched at his words but doesn't anything. "Oh, that's right. You don't even know how you feel for her."

"Gold, that's enough." We all turn to look at EJ. He has a scowl on his face. "This isn't for you to decide. Jaime can make her own decisions. If she wants to do this, then you should act like her friend and accept it. You're only making it harder on her."

Gold looks between us all before saying, "Fine. But just know that I don't approve. I'll drop it for now." His gaze stops on me. "I'm sorry. I just don't want you getting hurt."

I step hesitantly to him and hug him carefully. "Have faith in me. I'm sorry too, but I have to do this. You wouldn't understand."

Gold pulls away and looks me in the eye. "You're right, I don't understand." With that, he heads towards the stairs.

I watch him, wanting to say something more, but I don't know what to say. I'm about to call out to him, to tell him not to worry, when a loud crackling sound rings out and a person appears in front of Gold.

"Damn it, Jamie, I have been waiting for an hour. What are you going?"

Slenderman doesn't seen to realize the intense scene he just barged into. I swallow down a smart remark. Gold has stopped walking away and looks over at me. His words start replaying in my head.

"I bet you didn't know that I stay up every night, looking at the front door from the staircase, praying to a God I don't believe in that you'd come back safe."

I shake my head to get the thought out of my head. If I think about it too much, I'll end up regretting my choices. I'll start rethinking everything and that'll just confuse me. I can't deal with second thoughts right now. All that matters is the task at hand.

"Ah, Slender, so good to see you! You've done a very good job of avoiding me." EJ steps in front of me and smiles up at Slender.

"Eyeless Jack," Slender begins, sounding like he has a bad taste in his mouth (Does he have a mouth?). "Yes, I have but I knew eventually I would have to face you."

"Don't say it like it's a bad thing. I only want to ask you something but you've been avoiding me. I can't believe I had to trick you here."

I glare at him. He used me just to get Slenderman to answer a question of his. I'm tempted to smack him but I don't want to take any chances. I have no idea how strong he is. No use trying to pick a fight I might not win.

"Yes, well, I am here now. I can assume you are going to ask what I think you are going to ask."

"You've always known me so well. Yes, I'm here to ask to watch you and Jamie train for the night."


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