Chapter Twelve~*

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1- Jeff

I go slowly down the stairs. At the closest landing, I notice Masky leaning against the wall. He finally has his mask back on but, even though I can't see his face, I can practically feel the smirk on his face. His head follows my movement as I continue to slowly descend even though my body begs me to run forward and question him. Finally, I reach him.

"Wow," He says sarcastically. "You actually managed to find a way to look badass while going down the stairs. I'm impressed."

"Shut up." I growl. "What did you tell Jamie? I'm seriously not in the mood to mess around with you."

"I only told her information that opened up her eyes so she could see that being with you would have been a mistake. I helped save her a lot of pain." He lifts his mask enough to the point where I could see his wide grin.

"What did you tell her?" I growl. I'm very tempted to throttle him but that won't help. Or maybe it will....

"Nothing of importance." He turns from me and raises his arms lazily in defense. "Nothing Masky says is important 'cause I'm just a proxy. Not even considered an actual CreepyPasta." I can hear the hidden malice and hatred in his voice.

I begin to get frustrated. He's telling me everything except the things I want to hear.

"Oh, boo hoo. Poor Masky." He slowly turns back to me and I can see his body shaking. "He's not a C.P. He's a proxy. Poor, poor Masky." He just stands there and looks at me. "Yeah, well, poor, poor, Masky needs to learn to stop fucking complaining. Get over it and accept that you're nothing more than Slender's lapdog."

He keeps staring at me for about a minute. Then, he growls and swings for my face. I grab his fist and punch him in the stomach. He groans and bends over my arm. I grab his shirt before he can do anything and flip him. He lands on his back and I hear a rush of air leave him.

"And that is why you're not a C.P." His mask fell off during the fight and now I can actually see him glaring at me. "Now, tell me what you told Jamie."

He continues to glare up at me. "I'm not telling you anything." He gets up and starts to walk away.

"Hey, don't you walk away from me." I snarl and grab him, pulling him back.

"Jeff, stop harassing my proxy." I look around and see Slender coming up the stairs.

I feel Masky pull from my grip and he gives me a triumphant smirk before bending down to pick up his mask. As he walks to Slender, he secures it over his face, hiding his smirk before Slender could see it. It's times like this where I wish Slender didn't put that stupid thing on us and I could just go ahead and kill anyone.

Slender looks at me, almost as if he can read my thoughts, then he turns back around and goes down the stairs. I watch him go in confusion. He obviously came up here for another reason. There's no way he would come all the way up here just to stop a fight. He would rather just wait for the charm to go off.

"Come, Masky." Slender says and I barely realize that Masky didn't follow him down.

"Coming." Masky says, walking to the stairs. "And, Jeff," He lifts his mask enough so I could see his smirk. "If I'm Slender's lapdog, then all of you are Zalgo's lapdogs."

The sound of Zalgo's name sends a shiver down my back. "Yeah, well, I guess that makes you the lapdog to a lapdog."

He scowls before walking down the stairs. I sigh and look back up to the thirteenth floor. I can't believe one girl could stir up so much drama. I begin to look away when I notice a flash of movement. My eyes go back up and I just catch someone in black run from the balcony. Someone was watching us.

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