I'm Done.

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I know, I know, I keep updating and getting all of your hopes up. Sorry!

I'm just here to say that... I'm done. I don't think I'll be writing books anymore. I have no motivation. I'm depressed. Really depressed. I just don't find joy in anything anymore.

There was supposed to be a third book and it was going to be called Sincerely Me, but I don't think I'll ever do it. I don't think I can anymore. Hell, how can I write a book if I don't even want to live? I've lost everyone. I know I always have my fans but it's just not the same. I love all of you so much. You have made the past two years the best of my life. I can't believe I became popular.

But I can't. I don't think I can live anymore. I'm removing this from the watty awards. I'm mostly likely not going to be publishing anything soon. I'll still respond to messages and comments but I currently lack the motivation to write. But, if you do see a new update, then it's safe to say that I'm alright.

Thank you all so much. I couldn't have asked for better fans but I just can't do it anymore.

I'm sorry.

EDIT: Everything is fine, I'm fine. The third book is out. I still update. I'm going to keep this chapter up so I can look back on all the nice things everyone said to me whenever I get my spirits down. Thank you to everyone. 

But since I don't have a real author's note for this story like in DMS, I'll just tack it to the bottom of this. This story had been a great ride where I grew so much more in terms of writing.

As for the author's note. Here ya go:

This book is dedicated to everyone who read the first book and begged me to do another. Thank you for seeing more in Jeff and Jamie. Even more so, thank you to everyone who commented on this part. I didn't give up on this story or this life of mine.

Forgive and Forget Me (A Jeff the Killer Story)Where stories live. Discover now